Monday, June 29, 2015

Father's Day/Camping

A family camping trip up to Pincrest again this summer was on our summer bucket list.  As I think I have stated before Pincrest camp sites fill up a year in advance.  I always seem to wait until the last minute to book stuff like this because you never know when the timing will be good so I didn't book a head of time but after refreshing the computer screen about a 100 times a camp site opened up for Father's day weekend.  How perfect a weekend of camping, fishing, hiking, swimming, cooking outdoors, and being dirty doesn't get more manly then that! It worked out that my family would be meeting us up there on Saturday and that we would be going just the 4 of us Friday night June 19th.  It took me the whole day Friday to pack up! So much goes into packing for a camping trip! It made me appreciate my hotel trips so much more!! 

The kids had worked the whole week prior on their gifts for dad and we decided before we hit the road for the mountains to have our Father's Day celebrations at home.   
 They worked so hard on their books about their dad.  I just loved it all!  I really loved the page that said daddy's favorite food and Aubrey drew a picture of a panda bear for Panda Express.
I really loved Carter's face in this picture.

 I took them to the craft store and let them decided what they wanted to make daddy this year.  Carter decided on a mug.  He was so proud of it! He even wrapped it the minute it was dry enough to go in a box and hid it in his room for a whole week before.

 Aubrey decided on making a trophy and also was very proud of it!
 She was very excited to put a "Super S" on it because not only was it for a super dad but it was also for Spencer, Supinger and his favorite candy, Snickers.
 My gift for my favorite baby daddy was a Top Dad shirt I made.

 Aubrey and Carter are so lucky to have such a wonderful dad! He is always working so hard for us but still has time to play with us.  Every day I think how lucky I am to have him as my partner and what a wonderful role model he is to our children.  After our celebration we continued to pack the very stuffed car and headed up to Pincrest.  We left much later then I had hopped for but we made it up in time to put up the tent, explore the camp sites, visit the little store, have a campfire, make s'mores, play games and tell stories in the tent.  It was a great night!
Saturday we woke up early.  It was pretty cold sleeping in the tent that night.  The kids stayed warm in their sleeping bags though.

 This picture was taken before we almost caught the whole park on fire.......
 Not sure why we had the brilliant idea to put our little camp stove not only on the plastic lid of my camping Tupperware that was sitting on our plastic folding table but we also didn't use the metal bars as a stand.  Needless to say the stove got hot....very hot and burned through all the plastic and flames were on the ground of the very dry pine needles under the table.  It was a small forest fire that we amazingly were able to put out pretty fast! Yes my heart was racing I could see the news reports, Family of 4 started huge forest fire at Pincrest Lake on Father's Day weekend!  Well good thing that didn't happen and that the only damage was a huge hole in our plastic table.  The good news was that breakfast was yummy. 

 After breakfast we packed up for a hike and some fishing.

 Then we got a perfect shady spot by the beach where Nana, Papa, Titi, and Gaga meet us for a picnic lunch and some swimming.

 After some relaxing time at the beach we said good bye to Nana and the rest of us went back to camp to set up Gaga's tent and to explore some more.  Titi and Papa stayed in our tent with us.

 We also played lots of rounds of Old Maid and Uno.
 Then daddy made us a yummy dinner.

 One of our favorite things about Pincrest is the outside theater.  They play movies that are in the theaters which is just awesome and there is something about watching a movie under the stars that is just too cool.  We were so excited that they were playing the new movie, Inside Out.  Both kids had been counting down the days for it to be in the theater so we were beyond excited to see that it was playing while we were camping.

 The movie was adorable and had a good message.  After the movie we walked back to camp with our flash lights and lanterns had a camp fire and then crashed for the night.  
Father's day morning we woke up to another one of Spencer's yummy meals! I'm so spoiled! My dad had said he heard a lady at a different camp site yelling at her husband to not help cook since it was Father's day not me my man was cooking, lol.  He likes to do it so I let him do it and believe me he is so much better than me.
 Before we finished cleaning up camp we decided it would be fun to give dad a few of his gifts.  For dad's 60th birthday in September he has requested that we all (minus Nana and the kids) hike Half Dome with him.  My dad and brother have done it before but this will be the first time I have ever done something like that so I'm a bit nervous.  For Father's day we thought it would be fun to do hiking related gifts.  We had got one of those water backpacks from Costco earlier this year and have just loved it.  We have used it in Great America, small hike even to the zoo.  When my dad saw us with it on Saturday he could not stop talking about how much he wanted one.  He was very surprised that is what we got him. 

 We also got him a very cool walking stick.  I love when I feel like we got the most perfect gifts.  He was so excited and it made me excited.
 We were sad to pack up the tent but excited for our hike and the day ahead celebrating the best dads in the world!

 We decided on doing a really nice easy hike along a river.
 The kids did outstanding and didn't complain once.  Deuce also did great and was fun to watch jumping over logs and getting his feet wet in the creek.

 After our hike and our short drive to Nana and Papa's we were so excited to run in and jump in the shower.  It felt great to feel clean again.  We are so excited that great grandpa decided to move up to Sonora to be closer to family.  He actually just moved in the Friday before so after we cleaned up we all went over to his new place to help him put up pictures on the walls and Spencer hooked up his entertainment center.

 Then we went back to Nana and Papa's for a wonderful home cooked steak BBQ with all the trimmings and yummy strawberry shortcake for dessert by Nana.
 More gift giving to all the dads!

It was a perfect weekend! I love the wonderful examples these men our in my life and in my children's lives.  My dad has been nothing but the best! He is such a wonderful, loving, honest, hardworking, positive, happy guy and I'm so grateful I was able to spend this weekend with him.
Happy Father's Day!

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