Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Joy School Graduation

Monday June 1st was Carter's Joy school graduation.  It was so fun and cute! I'm so happy that we were able to slip into this little group half way through the year.  It was perfect for what Carter and I wanted for his official last semester before "real" school starts. We both have great memories from the red school (and I have some not so great memories) but  honestly when I look back I wouldn't have changed anything.  I feel like we got the best of both worlds.  Carter had a full year and half at the red school and then he got to have a half year at basically a home school environment.  He would love to tell people that he went to "Joy school that's at my house." he also would add "sometimes it's at my friends houses like Alex and Sam and 1 time I went to Reese's with my bunny rabbit." It's cute the things he remembers. 

One of the things I was most worried about dropping out of the red school was not being part of there graduation.  I treasure the pictures of Aubrey in her gown and hat and I was worried that I would really miss not having that for Carter.  I think that this Joy school graduation was perfect and I felt funny that I even stressed about that in the first place.  But what is kind of cool about Carter going to Sonshine next year is they do a kindergarten graduation so I will get those pictures in the future.  

Actually in away we were able to go to another graduation the next night 6/2.  The red school is closing down completely after being opened for like 50 years or something crazy like that so on Tuesday they had a huge celebration that we were invited too.  It was huge like 300 people and felt like a big reunion with old friends.  They served BBQ tri-tip, cake and had 3 jump houses and an old fashion photo booth.  It was a lot of fun and in a way I felt like it was a closer or graduation of that too.  
This is where it all started for these bff's 3 years ago!!

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