Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Last Tball Game

 We got a surprising call from Titi that she was going to be able to make it Carter's game and that she could spend the night we were so happy.  Once daddy got off and Titi got here we all went out to dinner and to the baseball field for Carter's last game of the season.

 Carter has loved tball! I have loved cheering him on and having something special just for him since he has been the awesome sibling to go to all the dance practices and recitals over the last 4 years.  The tball season was really fast only about a month and a half.  I kind of wish they spaced it out so it could have gone longer.  Like I said before 3 games a week is a little much.  Carter's coach was fantastic and the other players were all so cute and friendly.  I would love watching Carter run from base to base and talking to the kids that were working the bases.  I always wondered what could he be talking about?  By the end of the season the coaches did coach pitch instead of the T.  That was really fun to watch and it was amazing how well our team did with that.  It was hard this year because daddy had to either work or in a meeting most of the games and the 3 games he could make all got rained out! I was beginning to thank that it was not meant for daddy to see him play but sure enough it worked out for daddy to catch the last few games so it made up for the season.  We had a blast and Carter is already excited for next year!
 He was beyond excited to get his metal!! 
 Really excited!!!
 He could not wait to wear it and told me, "mommy this is a real metal and I'm never going to take it off!" 

 It felt so cool having a huge cheer leading team that night!

 This was Carter's assistant coach I never got a picture with the coach and just him. 
Carter really loved the assistant coach the most.  His favorite was giving this him fist pumps.  He is great and exactly what you would think a baseball coach would be we loved him!!
What a great day Thursday May 28th was!! We loved sharing it with our family and are so blessed to have them so close!!
Here is not the official team picture but one daddy took at picture day:

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