Wednesday, June 10, 2015

May, what a month!

As you can see from my lack of posting the rest of May was CRAZY! Our month was filled with activities, projects, field trips, parties, meetings and lots of tball games! Pretty much there was never a night we we were home.  I was going to split up the pictures but that would take forever so here is a picture over load of the last few weeks of May I will do a separate post for the last weekend in May because as you will see that weekend requires it's own post.
We had our last Joy school that I was hosting on May 11th.  It ended up being a fun day of jumping and playing.
Gotta love the attitude from my cute guy
 (I don't remember what the problem was but I thought it was a cute picture)
 Like I said earlier we were barley home in May.  Between all the activities and meetings we also barley had any family dinners :( I really hate that.  It's such an important part of the day so I'm excited for our lives to calm down to get back into that routine.  Even though we were on the run I was proud that I did still cook at home just in shifts.  We love Swedish meatball night!
Tuesday May 12th we had Matthew over for a play date.  The boys were so happy to have matching birthday crowns from the red preschool.
 Also on Tuesday May 12th it was the Girl Scout bridging ceremony.  Aubrey got to bride this year they do it every 2 years.  She graduated from a Daisy to a Brownie and she was very excited.

For her party favor they gave the new brownies a brownie mix we had fun making those the next day.
Also that day was my volunteer day at school we got to make fish out of paper plates.
 We finished that week with a fun play date with Alex on Friday.
Carter painted a beautiful canvas for his new room.

I finally finished Ms. Buttrey's class room gift.  I had found this idea on Pinterest and since she loves birds it was prefect! I wanted it to be a surprise so I came in one day when my friend was subbing.  Ms. Buttrey was very excited and confused how I did it lol!
 Base ball 2 and sometimes 3 nights a week is a little much but we did have fun cheering Carter on and enjoying treats from the snack bar.
 May 20th was open house at school.  That day when I was volunteering we worked very hard to get the room ready and do some more fun art projects. 
It was a fun night and I was excited to be there with the whole family.
 Also that day the kids and I went to the hospital to visit the NICU and L&D.  We had made a visit back on Carter's first birthday and it was so fun I didn't think we would do it again but at Carter's 5 year check up the doctor said that the nurses had been asking about us and wanted us to visit.  Carter and I made these cards together:
It was very fun seeing everyone and giving lots of hugs.  It was also a great learning trip for the kids to see the NICU and everything.  I didn't get any pictures with the nurses :( There was a lot going on and it just never happened.  After all that we headed downstairs for some ice cream.
 Thursday May 21st was Hawaiian day at school.
 It also was the tea party at Mops.  We got a cute picture of all the Joy school kids after the party.
 Friday May 22nd was the first grade BBQ park field trip.  We all walked to the park first thing in the morning.
 Then we were split into groups and did about 8 different stations.  Lots of relay races, musical chairs, ring toss, parachute, a crazy chicken game and even a story time.
 Daddy actually made it right in time for the story time.  I put him to work to read the gum ball story while the kids chewed gum it was really cute and a fun idea.

 After lots of fun running around and playing we then got to enjoy a yummy BBQ with our girl!

 The day ended with a water balloon fight and walking back to school it was a great day!!
 Saturday May 23rd we had the most prefect family date! We drove down to Madera and enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Cool Hand Luke's and then went to the drive ins.  It was so much fun!! We saw Tomorrowland which we are all still confused if we even really liked the movie that much.  We just loved the idea of all snuggling in the back of the car and being together eating lots of junk food and laughing.

This will for sure be a reacquiring outing this summer we had a blast.  This was actually Memorial Day weekend.  Sunday we had church and then Monday we went and got our family membership at the gym for the summer and spent the day at the pool.  It was a great weekend to get ready for the last 2 weeks of school and the busy weekend we had the next week.

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