Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Valentine's Day Parties

Thursday February 12th was both the Joy school party and Aubrey's class party.  Normally I would be so streesed out having 2 parties in the same day but not this time at all.  I could not be more happy with my decsion to say good bye to Merced Parent Preschool! They would really drain the happiness out of holidays and parties.  I would get so streesed out that I would need to bring food to a bunch of people I didn't even like who weren't even grateful and to go to a party that wasn't even fun.  This year I was excited to make my chex mix for my friends and felt excited to go to a friends house for a fun uplifting happy party.  It was a great morning.  We got up excited and ready for our day I got both kids ready and dropped Aubrey off at school and Carter off at Alex's house for joy school.  I got to come home take Deuce on a walk and then shower in peace and get for the parties it was perfect. 

Chelsea did a great job.  It was fun, low key and very enjoyable.  Carter had a blast with all the games and it was fun seeing him laugh and smile with his friends.
The first game they had to balance a candy heart on a plastic knife accross the room.  
Carter and Reese did it together. 

 Then they played bingo and don't eat Val.

 Chelsea set up a cute photo booth for the kids.

Then the kids passed out their cards.

Then lunch.  The food was yummy and healthy and the table was so cute!
 I did feel bad that Carter and I had to rush out but we needed to be at Aubrey's school by 12:45 for her party.  I did feel a bit overwhelmed at her party since her teacher just told me to plan the whole party.  I did all the shooping and planned all the activities.  Thank you pinterest! It turned out cute and the kids had a blast.  
We made red hot slime
 and then did the centers.  One center was playing with the slime.  Another was minute to win it games.  We had moving candy from one plate to another with chop sticks in a minte.
 How many hearts can you stack in a minute.
and transfering a tissue paper heart with a clothes pin.
Another station was dipping pink waffer cookies in white chocolate.
and the final station was making a light catcher heart out of tissue paper.  I didn't get any pictures of that one since I was working that one and it was a lot of work.  After the stations the kids passed out their Valentines and then we all cleaned up.  It was a fun day!!

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