Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Pumpkin Patch 2018

On Sunday October 7th we did our annual family pumpkin patch trip.  We went to Hunter Farms in Atwater again this year and had a blast! They do a great job of adding new things every year and we all have so much fun.

We all can hardly believe how tall Aubrey is getting! She passed up Titi!

First up the pumpkin blasters....

 We always love the hay ride!

 Gotta love the huge pillow to jump on!

 Time travel train is a lot of fun too!
 and meeting the animals is a must..

 We completed the corn maze!

 and last but not least found our perfect pumpkins!...

 What a perfect fall day! After the pumpkin patch we headed up to Turlock to have a nice dinner and celebrate Nana and Papa's birthdays! Nana and papa just got home from their trip to the East Coast and brought back such nice gifts for us all!
 Aubrey really wanted a lobster from Boston! How cute is that!
 They got to go to Salem MS and see all the neat witch stuff. How fun is this shirt...

 and I got the cutest witch for my Halloween decorations!
 Now it's time for the birthday people!
Carter made papa this sign...
Aubrey made nana this one...
 We all surprised papa with a metal detector, which he really wanted! He was excited!!
 Nana is fun to but pretty things for!

 What a great day we had!! I love our family so much and it's days like these that I'm so grateful we are close enough to share in annual traditions together.  
Carter looked so cute in his new shirt the next day for school. 
Aubrey was so excited for her shirt she wore it to bed the night before so I had to wash it before she could wear it to school!

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