Sunday, June 17, 2018

Sock Hop

The kids school had it's first Sock Hop on Friday May 18th.  Aubrey is on the school site council and has worked so hard to prepare for this dance.  She has helped raise money, make fliers, went to other classes to promote it, decorated and found the cutest poodle skirt outfit (we even made her shoes).  Aubrey also did a report on the 1950's. That is how excited she was for this event!! Well with Grandpa's funeral the next day (Saturday May 19th) Spencer had to go to the bay early Friday morning to help dress his dad with his brothers.  We normally would have just gone with him and hung out in the hotel but since this event was so special to Aubrey we decided that I would stay with the kids and we would drive to the bay after the dance there really wasn't any thing for the kids and I to do on Friday in the Bay.  So Friday the 18th was a very long, lots of driving kind of day! We drove up to Sonora in the morning to drop of Deuce and to do the Diggins, raced home, went and bought flowers for the funeral, got ready for the dance, packed the car, went to the dance, danced the night away, drove to the bay area and crashed at the hotel when we arrived at 11pm! I'm glad it all worked out because look how cute these 1950's kids look......
 Once we arrived at the dance both kids ditched me with the quickness! I was kind of sad because I didn't have Spencer with me so I just walked around by myself, lame I know! It was cute seeing Aubrey with all her friends.
 and Carter is always the life of the party.  He went straight to all the games.
 Oh my goodness these boys are just so cute!
 There where photo booths (that I actually made) set up.  I was dressed up too as you can see...
 Carter and Megan.
 The DJ was so good! The kids were rocking out all night!

 Aubrey and her friends..
 Carter and Brooke
 I finally had the 2 of them together and got to dance with them.

 Carter and Ander
and here are the 2 back drops that I made earlier in the week.

It was a really fun nigh and I hope that this becomes an annual event!

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