Monday, June 11, 2018

Carter's Birthday Party

Carter's birthday party was on Saturday May 12th this year.  When Rockin' Jump first came to town Carter said that is where he wanted his birthday party and his dream finally came true.  He also wanted his birthday theme to be black, dark blue, green, jumping and fidget spinners (a bit random) Well he got everything he wanted for his special day! He was beyond excited with how his invites I made turned out.
This was the second time Carter had a destination party his first one was at the airport for his planes party.  This was the first time we had a party at a true party place and man was it so easy and lots of fun.  I had got table cloths but Carter liked the big Rockin' Jump signs on the tables.  I made a little banner and got balloons so it was way simple.
Carter's party day was a very hard day.  The day before we got a text from Spencer's sister that this weekend was most likely Spencer's dads last weekend alive.  We talked about postponing the party but decided the best bet would be to have the party since it was early on Saturday and then head to the bay right after.  Well on the way to the party about 2 minutes from Rockin' Jump we get a text that hospice was saying there were really only hours left.  Since the party was going to start in 10 minutes Spencer decided it would be best to drop us off at the party and for him to rush to the bay.  We also decided that we wanted our kids memory of Grandpa to be seeing him at the baptism rather than so sick in bed.  So once Spencer helped unload the car he was off for a very long hard day.
 I felt helpless but at the same time I had to put on a smile and make Carter's day special for him.
Here is some of the decor.  It looks so small.

 The party favor was Fidget Spinners (Carter's favorite toy)

 Carter had so many great friends come out and celebrate him.
Aubrey, Violette (Aubrey's friend), Bella, Megan, Carter, Cord, Ander, Elizabeth, Caedence and Lucas.  I was a little surprised with how many girl friends he wanted this year since last year no girls were allowed!
Rockin' Jump is just the best!

 I was so happy that I also had Titi, Nana and Papa there that day.  They helped watch all the kids and were a great support team for me when I was getting updates from Spencer.

 One of the best parts of having your party there is you get your very own dodge ball game.

 After jumping they all cooled down in the wind machine.

 Then it was pizza time.  Our party planner lady was amazing! She was so helpful and fun!

 The pizza was actually really good.
 Papa being a waiter...
 Titi's amazing cake!
I didn't get a picture at the party of them with the cake but I did the night before.  
Isn't this cake perfect?!?
Doing the floss...

 Gift time...

 Nana and papa surprised Carter with his very own Swiss arm knife.
 He was very excited.  They have assured me it's a kid knife and it's safe.  Carter is very careful with it and only gets to carve when I'm watching him.  When he opened it the little girl from his class Caedence said "oh wow that's dangerous!" 
 Cake time! 
I love this picture...

 One of the legs on the paper jumper started to burn with the candles.

 What a great party!! Carter had a blast and I had a blast not having to clean up!!
After the party Nana, Papa, Titi and Violette came home with us to hang out.  Nana and Papa surprised Carter with another gift his very own tetherball he was so excited!
 It was cute watching them put it together and then playing with it.

 After Violette went home we all went to Black Bear Diner to celebrate Mother's Day.
Nana got the kids little gifts..

 and then she got to open the gifts from us.

 We had a wonderful dinner and it was great being together.  I love my mom more than words can ever express. Now that I have kids of my own I can really see what my mom had to sacrifice.  It's a hard job being a mom and I'm so grateful that I have a wonderful one to look up too.  She is always there for me.  I love her so much!
 Carter pretending he carved the bear.

 It was a wonderful day but also a very hard sad day.  Spencer's dad lost his battle to lung cancer that evening.  I like to think this picture is him looking down at the kids playing tetherball.  

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