Thursday, May 18, 2017

Fun Random Stuff

Monday May 8th a 757 came into work filled with police officers to take down a huge gang in the Atwater area.  

 Getting ready for Carter party.
Wednesday May 10th I had a wonderful date lunch with my dad that I sadly didn't get any pictures of! Also on that day Aubrey had a play date with Mia and Auntie came into town for a few nights.
I actually was in charge of the schools fundraiser this year! yahhhhh! What happened was our usual pancake breakfast that we do every year was cancelled due to lack of support so we had to brainstorm some other ideas.  I was talking to Carter's teacher and she told me about this idea to do a drive thru dinner.  She gave me a number to a local guy who does BBQ and before I knew it I was in charge of planning and facilitating the whole event! First I made flyers and handouts.  I made them in color but I'm to lazy to go find the original pdf so here is my flyer:
I got teams together to count money, distribute tickets and then work the night of the event! It was a huge success and we sold 967 tickets!! Our profit for the school was almost $5000!! I was pretty proud.  The night of the drive thru I stood putting BBQ sauce on the meat for 3 hours! Surprisingly I wasn't that tired!
The kids did great running the meals to the cars!

I was happy when it was over! I could really concentrate on Carter's party now!! Auntie was a big help at the BBQ and getting ready for the party.
Friday May 12th Carter had a friends party.  My sister came into town and we all went to dinner and then full party preparations! The Nerf party up next!

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