Monday, November 24, 2014

School Thanksgiving Parties

I was one super lucky mommy to not have a time conflict with parties this year!! Thursday November 20th was Aubrey's party and Friday was Carters.  I was thrilled to be the helper Thursday in Aubrey's class room.  I helped the kids get dressed and all ready for their presentation. 

 It was adorable!! All the 1st grade classes did the presentation.  There are 4 1st grade classes plus on k/1 combo.  They had 2 classes be Indians, 2 be Pilgrims and 1 turkey's.  They sang the cutest songs ever! Turkey left overs was one of my favorite.  The show ended with them all dancing to the chicken dance song and then the parents dancing too.
 After the show we got to partake in a healthy fest.  It was a bunch of food from the 5 food groups.
 Very healthy and yummy!

After the fest I stayed and played at recess and in the classroom it was a fun day!  On my volunteer day last week I got to bring Carter to 1st grade with me.  The preschool was closed since the heater broke so I took him and he did great.  All the kids loved him and I was beyond thankful that Ms. Buttrey let him come, how cool is that!

Friday was the preschool Thanksgiving party.  It was a perfect rainy gloomy day!
 Carter loved the turkey bowl.
 and of course the coloring table.
They made lots of other cute crafts and played pin the feathers on Mr. Turkey.  We then enjoyed a huge yummy potluck.
Both days were so much fun and have really got my tummy craving more turkey!! Can't wait for our fun week ahead.
Here is a cute picture of Aubrey swinging in the rain....

1 comment:

Morgan and Joel said...

It has been a very long time since I have been on here. You have totally kept it up! Your family is so cute. We should get together again sometime.