Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Halloween 2016

So much build up to such a fun holiday!! October 31st was finally here!! The kids looked so cute in their shirts that Nana and Titi got for them.
On the menu for breakfast.... orange Jack o Lanterns.
 Since Carter's big school party was on Friday I got to spend the afternoon in Aubrey's class.  I brought Halloween cookies and the aid brought cupcakes so they were all sugared up!
 We did candy corn experiments and built a tower with candy pumpkins and tooth picks. 

 It was a pretty low key party which was nice.  Carter got to do some more monster stuff like make a mask and learn the Monster Mash.
 After school I thought it would be fun to take the kids to the pumpkin patch.  We first went to Hunter farms since they had a huge pillow to jump on and when we went earlier that month it was closed because of weather.  When we drove all the way out it was already closed for the season! So we decided to go out to the Vista I was excited since we hadn't had a chance to go there this season yet.  It is so beautiful out there!! 

 Then out of the blue a car drove up and it was the Brown family! Aubrey's best friend Kendall.
 Aubrey was in heaven seeing her friend! It was nice for me to see her mom and dad too.  We ended spending the afternoon with them playing games, doing the corn maze and just having fun.  It was a great treat!

After lots of running around we raced home to get all dressed up for a night of Trick or Treating. 
 It was $3 burritos at Chipotle if you had your costume on so that was our first  stop before going door to door.
 Since we don't get many trick or treaters in our neighborhood we usually go to another area and trick or treat.  We found a great neighborhood and had fun.  At one point we found it easier for Spencer and I to stay in the car and follow the kids running down the street but we felt kind of lazy so we stopped doing that, haha.

 When we were all finished we drove into our area and were excited to see some trick or treaters as we rushed to park and get in we noticed they were teenagers and that they had kicked our pumpkins in! Our excitement quickly turned to anger! I hate when kids do that kind of stuff!! Especially to an 8 and 6 year old that worked the night before for hours on their pumpkins.  Oh well we tried to not let that bother us and we started sorting our candy.  They got so much!!
 It was a great, busy, exciting, fun day!

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