Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Chili Cook off Western Night

Our ward had our annual chili cook off on Friday October 9th.  I was excited that it was a western theme this year and that Titi was in town for the weekend! That morning I went and got all the ingredients to make my chili and I was so excited! When I heard Spencer get home at 3 that day I was even more excited but when he ran straight to the bathroom I figured out that he wasn't home early for the party he was home sick with the flu! I felt so bad that he couldn't make it that night! I was so grateful that Titi was in town to go with us and help me keep track of the kids and to do the donut game with me that I was in charge of.  Titi is just so Awesome! She came in western wear, did the 3 legged race with the kids, hing out with all my friends and had a smile the whole time.
The donut game was a big hit!

 These 3 girls are just too adorable together! 
Violette, Molly and Aubrey

 The chili cook off was really fun! There were 15 chili's to vote on.  Mine was for sure the meatiest one and when we went in to taste it there were 5 guys gathered around it saying how good it was.  When my sister walked by the lady tailing the votes she said she hear, " number 6 is getting a lot of votes." I was number 6! I thought I had it in the bag but sure enough I didn't win.  I think the men forgot to vote! 
After the voting was done they brought out all the chili's to eat for dinner mine is the white crock pot that was licked clean! I think there should be a re-count, ha!
 The kids had a lot of fun that night.
 When we got home Daddy was feeling a little better but still sick in bed.  We all got comfy on the coach and watched Addams Family.  While we were watching the movie Titi spotted Carter's hamster walking across the living room.  Some how she had gotten out of her cage and made it all the way downstairs.  We have nicknamed her Houdini because of all her escapes, more to come in future post!
Saturday we all slept in.  Aubrey woke up not feeling that great.  I was worried she would get the flu next.  Spencer was better but real weak so he stayed home while we went to lunch and to the Halloween store.  I can't believe how tall Aubrey is getting she will pass Titi soon!

 After the mall we came home and Aubrey got sick! It was so sad.  We had plans to go to the pumpkin patch but since she was sick and Daddy was still not 100% we decided to wait to see how we were doing the next day.  Carter, Titi and I went to Target and then had pizza and watched a movie together that night.
Sunday was the first day of our new ward.  It was fun to see all the new people and it was even better to get to go to church and at 10am and be done by 1!!! Titi was amazing again to come and be a part of church with us that day.  We did a get to know you game in Primary and then had cake.  
Here is the senior Primary.
 After church we came home and all got ready for the pumpkin patch.  We first took Titi out to lunch to one of her favorite places, in n out.
Pumpkin Patch up next!

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