Friday, May 27, 2016

Carter's Star Wars Party

Carter could not have been more excited for his birthday party to arrive.  We had the best time planning it together.  He was very selective in everything.  Everything could only be from the new movie the Force Awakens.  There was a few times I brought up Yoda but he was not having it since Yoda died in Episode VI.  I wanted to do the death star for his pinata but since that blew up twice in earlier Episodes we had to do Star Killer Base for the pinata.  I had found some food labels on line and I didn't want to create new ones so the food was from all the different episodes and he was okay with that.  He begged Titi to make a BB8 cake which we thought might be impossible but sure enough she figured it out and made the coolest cake ever.  
Here is Carter's Star Wars Party:  
We had padawan costumes for the kids and light sabers to decorate.
 The party favor was their costumes, light sabers and bubble light sabers.

 My party crew helping out with all the food before the guests arrive.
 Aubrey was such a big help.  She helped me with the death star donut holes and the ewok cookie bowl. 

 I tell you I don't think there isn't a cake that Titi can't make, she is amazing!

We had Jabba the Hut Pizza Hut for lunch (but Carter hates Pizza Hut so we had Mountain Mikes lol)

Carter and Daddy set up all his Star Wars Lego sets for decoration.  He has such a great collection.
 Setting up the photo booth.
 Carter didn't want to be a Padawan so he was Kylo Ren so he had a black robe.
When the guest arrived they went straight to decorating their light sabers.  
Carter did not want any girls so it was an all boy party with his best friends.  
His guest list was:
Wesley-Aubrey's school
Rowan & Mrs. Allen-His teacher and her son
Nana & Papa

 Then it was light saber battle time. It was off and on raining that day which made me a little nervous but it all worked out and it didn't seem to ruin that day at all.

 The boys worked up an appetite for some lunch.
 Then it was time for some photo booth fun.
 I'm loving my new camera to play with.
(I'm on the search for the cute polaroid pictures I took I can't find them anywhere I was going to make Carter a book and I put them in a very safe place that now I can't find them!)
 Then we played musical BB8 to Star Wars music the kids LOVED it.  Evan won that game.

 Aubrey was so good with little Cooper.

Then onto Pin the light saber on Kylo Ren.
 Daddy got all the boys in a perfect line sitting down it was so organized.

 It then was time for the best game ever! I found the idea on pinterest and it was a huge crowd pleaser.  It was free Han Solo from the carbonite.  We froze 2 Han Solo Lego figures in ice and then broke the boys into 2 teams and they had to squirt warm water out of a water gun to melt the carbonite.  It was so fun!!

 Then it was gift time.  How cute are all the Padawans watching Kylo Ren open gifts!

 Nana and Papa gave him a Lego Set that he wanted so bad..."big eye lady set" as he calls it.  
He got so many great gifts and thoughtful cards.

 Cake time.
 I love singing to this sweet boy!

 Carter was excited to get BB8's head all to himself.
 We made due with all the rain and had a cake picnic in the dinning room.
 Star Killer Base pinata on the front porch was next.  This was my first pinata that I made and it actually lasted pretty good.

 After the pinata people started to leave but we had a few friends stay a little longer and we played Star Wars bingo.
 Then it was time for family pictures

After all the guest and family left (except Titi) Carter went straight to building.
It was the most perfect Star Wars Birthday party! We all had a blast and Carter is still talking about it.  I love creating these special birthday memories for my special kids.

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