Thursday, April 16, 2015

Spring Break 2014

Last week was spring break.  We had a great week full of sleeping in, staying up late, and not having any really set plans.  It was a great break! Our only obligation was work on Monday.  I gave the kids the option of going to a friends or coming to work with me and they choose work with me.  It was nice having them both there and they did great! Tuesday was a rainy day which was a fun treat.  We decided it would be fun to go see Home in the theater and to invite Kendall with us.

 It was a cute movie.  After we came home for a play date and then the girls bagged for a slumber party.  It was a lot of fun to have Kendall over for the night.  We played lots of games and watched a movie.

I laugh at this next picture because I texted it to Kendall's mom not noticing my kids eyes were shut and Kendall's are wide open.  She responded with oh no my daughter is wide awake sorry! really it was just the flash and they were all up and were all up until 11pm!!!! Well actually Carter couldn't hang and fell asleep around 10:30pm
 The next morning (Wednesday) they helped make pancakes for breakfast.

 Then we went on a bike ride to the park.

 After Kendall's mom picked her up this is what happened!:
After there long nap (what a treat for me) we went and meet up with Papa and Gaga who were in town for an inspection at Yogurtlicious.  I didn't get a picture :( 
 Thursday Spencer had to go on a little business trip down to Visalia for just 1 night so the kids and I planned a last minute trip up to Modesto to meet up with Titi at the new trampoline place.

 It was so much fun!! We worked up an appetite with all that jumping so we went and had a nice dinner at Chevy's.
Friday we packed our lunch and headed for the zoo for the day.  Usually you can do the zoo in like 10 minutes since it's pretty small but we really took our time reading about all the animals and enjoying our lunch we stayed in there for over an hour.

After the zoo we headed over to the park to play.
 The kids were super excited to see the ice cream truck.

 That night daddy got home and we ordered a pizza and watched Night at the Museum 3.  It was a really fun day.
Saturday we did lots of errands in the morning to get ready for the week ahead.  In the afternoon we went to Ethan and Conrad's 8th birthday party at the jump house place.

 There were so many kids! It was a blast.
 Sunday we went to church and then to Ethan and Conrad's baptism.  It was a great week! A much needed break and so much fun all being together.  We for sure have summer fever now and are counting down the days.  
Being back to the norm hasn't been that bad.  Carter loves working on his letters at work.
 We are getting all geared up for his Lego party in May.  
 Carter and I have spent pretty much all week at Aubrey's school too.
We were there Tuesday and Wednesday this week working on their shirts for their field trip next week.  I really wish I would have got a picture of Aubrey working on her shirt it came out so cute! Carter got to make one too!
 This shirt project has been a big one! I did all the tie dying before spring break.  I was going for making the shirts look like the green grass on the bottom and blue sky on top.  Then I stamped the back with Ms. Buttry's class stamp and then the kids got to decorate it with bug stamps on the front.  They are super cute and I'm happy they are done!
We even got another surprise visit from papa and gaga this week (yesterday).

 And even though Aubrey's back in school we still have time for bike rides, movie watching, crafts and walks with our kites.

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