Friday, April 10, 2015

Easter 2015

 The kids woke up at 7am to there Easter filled baskets in front of their rooms.  They were so excited! The week leading up to Easter I would hear Aubrey say that her favorite holiday was Easter and I would hear Carter say how excited he was to see what kind of stuffed animal the Easter bunny would bring.  Easter is such a fun holiday!  I love that I'm trying to keep all the traditions that my parents did with me when I was younger.
 After we looked at all the goodies in our baskets we set them aside to use the baskets for the egg hunt downstairs.
 What fun hunting for our Easter dyed eggs and their treats/toys.

 Deuce kept looking around for his treats but I guess the Easter bunny isn't as cool as Santa because he forgot Deuce :(
 The kids were so happy and grateful.  It was a great morning!
 For breakfast I attempted Easter bunny Cinnamon rolls.  (they didn't come out as cute as on pinterest)
After breakfast we went on a family bike ride and  then got ready for my side of the family to come over to celebrate.
 We were very excited to host Easter and that this was mom's first big outing. She looked great and the kids just loved having Nana back! 
 Of course everyone spoiled the kids with lots of fun Easter treats, books and toys.  The kids were beyond excited.

 The rain was coming but we had time to slip a mini bike ride in with papa before dinner.

 Dinner was so yummy!  Spencer made tri-tip, ham, salad, fruit salad, deviled eggs and rolls and mom brought her famous potato salad and my new favorite side dish, orange fluff! So yummy.  Titi made the dessert yummy lemon cream puffs.  It was a great day of awesome food!!!
 Right before they left we did our traditional confetti eggs in the front.  It was freezing but lots of fun!

It was a great Easter and so wonderful to be with our family!!!

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