Friday, October 28, 2011

Laundry Room Re-Do

I have wanted to paint our kitchen cabinets white since the day we moved in. I grew up with white cabinets and I have always liked how fresh and clean they look. After living here for 4 years now and doing all our other home projects and having 2 kids I have put the cabinet re-do on hold. Well back in September we decided that we were ready to do it but then we got cold feet. There are lots of pro & cons that weighed on our minds, it's a big project, would we like it and so on and so on. We decided that it would be a great idea to re-do the cabinets in the laundry room since there are only 3 and this would give us an idea of how much time it would take. Since we were going to paint the cabinets we decided to do the whole room and work on more organization. The room came out great!! We are happy with it and I think we are kind of leaning more to yes on doing the kitchen but we want to wait until the holidays are done. I'm so proud of us and our hard work we now have every room in our house painted and decorated.
Before After
I love our new organized hamper and the table for folding that Spencer made me:
Spencer also made me these perfect shelves for all sorts of things like: diapers, wipes, bibs, fabric and misc. stuff that I need down stairs. I'm waiting on Target to get more of the baskets for it to be complete.
Do you think we should do the kitchen?