Monday, March 12, 2018

Aubrey's 10th Birthday Party

 Aubrey was so excited for her party theme this year, Science!!! She LOVES making slime and doing  any kind of science experiment.  We spend lots of time watching science experiments and then trying to create it ourselves.  It's so cute how much she loves science and math like her mom and dad! Aubrey pretty much did all the party planning and shopping for her party this year.  We looked at supplies on-line together and she picked out what she wanted and what we needed.  She and I watched a bunch of YouTube videos to decide on what experiments she wanted to do.  She really wanted a sleep over and since I don't let her sleep over at other people's houses I always feel like I'm being kind of hypocritical hosting a sleep over so we always say a stay late with an option to spend the night.  It ended up that just our close family friend, Carrie stayed the night so that worked out good the other girls did all stay late though! Also I'm loving having a smaller party.  It's so much more special just having a group of really close friends.

We were really proud of our dry-ice drink station.
 and the yummy cupcakes titi made even had slime in them!
 When the girls arrived they all got goggles and science name badge. 
 They all had their own bag to put all their experiments in to take home.  They also got a scientist squishy to take home.
 I love the decorations we found .
another shot of the cool punch.
and Carter enjoying it!
 all the guest arrived...
Molly, Aubrey, Adrina, Carter, Kendall, and Carrie 
We went straight into experiments.  
First up snow.....
 Then bottle rockets...
 Daddy did the Diet Coke and Mento experiment...

 We also did a volcano but I must have not got a picture of that one.
Then it was time for the rainbow tubes which came out really cool!

 Then it was dinner time, Aubrey's favorite cheese pizza.

 Silly photo booth time...
 gift time...

 Then back to science experiments.
Elephant tooth paste....

 While they played with there elephant tooth paste dad taught us a little about science and we made a group lava lamp...

Then Aubrey showed everyone how to make slime...

 cake time....

and then movie time and yummy candy.  
They watch The Last Mimzy a Disney science movie that they all loved.
After the movie we all played a round of Exploding Kittens and then girls started to be picked up around 11pm. Carrie stayed the night and then Sunday 2/11 we woke up and had pancakes and then got ready for Aubrey's family birthday party that day.
It was a GREAT party.  I think she will remember it always and forever!

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