Friday, December 8, 2017

Back to life.....

back to reality! 
It sure was hard to get back into the swing of things! What made it easier was knowing we had a long 3 day weekend for Veteran's day and Thanksgiving break just around the corner.
As hard as it was to back to school it made our lazy afternoons feel so good! I love snuggling with my cuties! 
 Carter's newest talent....
 By brother use to do it so it's kind of funny!
The kids really missed their friends while we were gone so Aubrey was thrilled to have Presley over for a play date on Thursday November 9th.  They played a lot and made a lot of slime! 

 Friday November 10th we had a great relaxing day off!! We went on a beautiful fall walk.  We couldn't find Deuce's leash but were determined to still walk! 

Aubrey had fun organizing her 500 shopkins! Yes she has 500 of those little toys!
Sunday November 12th we went to Modesto for the day and did some shopping and then met up with my family for dinner to celebrate my birthday! We had a blast! It was fun to show them all our pictures from Disney World and tell them all our stories.

I love that my parents always get me my favorite cake! White cake with butter cream from Safeway! Oh so good!

The kids always get spoiled with table prizes!

 My new PJ's I love them so much!
 Gotta love my breakfast and lunch the next day...
On Tuesday November 14th Aubrey had a Thankful celebration.  They were asked to pick one person they were thankful for and write a letter.  Then Mrs. Taylor invited each honorary guest to come to listen to their letter and enjoy some Thanksgiving day treats! I was honored that Aubrey picked me.  Mrs. Taylor even arranged it for me to miss my teaching job to come to the celebration.  I cried when Aubrey read the letter to me.  She did such a great job.  She is the sweetest and I love her beyond words!  
 Being silly with her friends after with the decorations.

 Wednesday November 15th Aubrey had Mallory over for a play date.  Carter had a play date at Bella's that day so it was fun having just the girls at home with me.  We of course made slime!
 Then it was time for activity day girls.  Sister Tingey was so nice to host! We made her award winning cinnamon rolls and some cute little turkeys.

 I just love the trees here in the fall!
 Friday November 17th was our last day of school before Thanksgiving break.  I had fun doing some themed reading that day and word searches with my students.  Attendance was kind of low that day since people were already leaving on vacation.
my first grade group meets first 9-9:30
 Thank 4th grade 9:30-10
 Kinder 10-10:25
 2nd grade 10:25-10:55
 Recess time 10:55-11:15!
 Both Aubrey and Carter and their friends came to my classroom to make turkeys.

 3rd grade 11:15-11:45
 and then I have 5th and 6th but I didn't get any pictures.
Carter and I got to go to lunch that day.
 and then I volunteered in his classroom that afternoon.
 Man were we all happy to have a break after all that!

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