Monday, July 17, 2017

dinosaurs/earthquake/volcano and cupcake class

Session 3 of college for kids started on July 10th and goes until July 20th.  The kids are so excited for their classes these two weeks.  Carter decided on the dinosaurs/earthquake/volcano class and is loving it!! The teacher is wonderful and he is learning some really cool stuff.  His class is in the morning 9:30am-10:50am.  Here are some of the fun stuff he has made.... (more pictures to come in a future post since they are still in the classes for another week)

 Aubrey is taking Cupcake class again this year and LOVES it! It's a different teacher which is fun since she is learning some new things.  I love it because she brings home yummy cupcakes everyday! Here class in the afternoon 1:00-2:20. The teacher has a theme for each day...
Monday grill day...
 Tuesday was beach day

Wednesday farm day
Thursday ice cream/birthday day 

 Friday there is no classes.
Having Carter start at 9:30am means we have to leave early so most days Aubrey is still in her pj's.  This day we took chub's for a ride.
 Also this week the kids made a really cool string initial art for their rooms.

So proud of my creative kids!

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