Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July Fun!!

I don't think summer could be any more fun around here!!

Yogurt dates, simply the best!

Trying to make green smoothies in our new Ninja mixer.
Hanging at the gym pool pretty much everyday!!
Pool party at the Callister's
Aubrey was so excited to see an old friend, Madison.
Carter kills me on the diving board!! I almost had a heart attack!

Playing at our friend's house.
Carter's baseball pictures finally came in!!
Tuesday July 14th was a treat! I had work in the morning and so my mom came down to watch the kids then she dropped them both at a party and my mom and I had time to spend together just us! We tried out the new dessert place in Merced.
That night we had a farewell dinner at Strings for our good friend Hilary! We will miss you Hilary!!

 Still playing in the water table, lol!
 Friend play dates are the best!
 Finally her glasses arrived!! She had to wear Hello Kitty to pick up Hello Kitty glasses.
 We went out to dinner to celebrate!
Tuesday July 21st was a down under didgeridoo concert at the library.
 Shopping for Hawaii clothes! 
 I got to take my boys out to Wing Stop a night Aubrey was at Kendall's for dinner.
 Kendall over and getting ready for our yard/baking sale.
 We had a yard sale last Saturday.  Aubrey did amazing at her sale she made $40!!!

 Hanging out with our neighbor friends.
 Racquetball with daddy
 and sun bathing with mommy!
Carter will try anything we ask! He is a dare devil for sure and like I said before he makes my heart skip a beat! Spencer had hm try a flip into the pool and sure enough he did it.
 We found what Carter wants lol! 
Pedicures with mom!

July has been fun and is coming to an end way to fast!!!

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