Sunday, July 12, 2015

Aubrey's new glasses

Isn't she the cutest little girl in glasses?!?!
Thursday 7/9 Aubrey had her first eye appointment ever.  Total mom fail here I really feel super bad!!! Aubrey's best friend Kendall got glasses last January and I remember the day she got them and Aubrey telling me she thinks she needed glasses too.  My instant thought was of course she thinks she needs glasses she wants to be just like her friend so I just kind of brushed it a side.  She complained a little more about her left eye bothering here and that it was blurry sometimes.  Spencer or I don't wear glasses so I again I thought it was nothing.  I remember at her 7 year check up in February I brought it up to the doctor and she told me to take her Dr. Lee a pediatric optometrist and of course life got crazy and I still didn't think anything was really wrong since she didn't seem concered and she didn't run any tests or anything.  Also keep in mind Aubrey does amazing in school, loves to read, in the top of her class so if she had eye problems I would think that probably would make all those things impossible.  Well since around May or so I have started to notice her left eye sometimes not focusing or kind of moving in words very slightly when I take her picture.  We would have her do eye tests with us like close one eye and say how many fingers we have up and she always got it.  Spencer would tell me that  he thinks she just gets this way when she is tired so she just needs more sleep.  Well I finally just wanted to get down to business and find out what the real issue was so we finally got an appointment.  The verdict..........Aubrey has reflective amblyopia.  This is when there is unequal vision in the 2 eyes.  Basically her right eye is 20/20 which is great and has been making up for her left eye which is 20/400.  I could not believe it! I was shocked and felt terrible.  How did I not notice her left eye was so bad????  The doctor assured me that it is very common for parents to not know that their child has this and that hopefully we will be able to correct it.  I really have felt so bad about this and have been staying up late learning everything I can about it.  My poor baby!! We need to get her left eye strong again and I have read success stories so that is what we are praying for.  The doctor is hoping that with glasses full time we can make the left eye work hard again and then maybe we will need to do a patch once it is strong enough.  Her poor left eye right now can barley see so that is why we can't do a patch yet.  Aubrey is taking the news great! She excited and and so happy to wear glasses and is counting down the days until we get to pick them up.  This for sure is a new thing for us so I'm nervous but very hopeful that we will correct this and just go from here.  We originally picked glasses out at the doctors office but we were not in love with the style or the price for a child's pair of glasses so on Friday we went to Costco and fell in love with the Lisa Lobe style hello kitty ones.  We are hoping to get them in the next couple of days.    

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