Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Teacher Appreciation Lunch

The Peterson PTC put on our annual teacher appreciation lunch Thursday May 7th.  Last year I helped out with this event and it was so much fun so I was excited when they asked me to help again.  I was a little nervous this time around because last time I was just an assistant but this time was the coordinator for all the decorations.  It was exciting but at the same time nerve racking to be in charge of an event that over 100 people would be attending not mention my daughters teachers and future teachers.
Nicole the PTC Vice President was over seeing the whole event and she was in charge of the food this time and did an an amazing job.  It definitely was an up grade from last years salad bar.  We served Penni pasta with salad and rolls as you see on the Menu sign I made.  For dessert the lady that signed up did not come through :( It's really hard to count on people sometimes she was going to make a lemon dessert to go with our yellow theme but wasn't able to do that so the President (also the girl scout leader) had some girl scout cookies that said thank you on them for a last minute fix.  I was very happy with how it came out and so grateful for the mom that got all the white lines cleaned and pressed it really made the room pop with elegance, which is hard to do in an elementary school cafeteria.  We had saved up enough money to give each teacher, staff, and administrator a gift card to Target and I just love the gift table banner that I did.  It was a great event and came together wonderfully.   

 For the flowers I bought 6 huge bouquets from Costco.  4 all yellow ones, 1 green and white mix and another green with some other colors and I was able to put 6 large and 10 small bouquets together.  I was pretty excited and felt kind of like a florist.  
 Each table had a teacher's quote on it.  I had Mary who is actually the director at Sonshine (Carter's future kindergarten) help me with those.  They came out so cute.
 This was the event team.
I'm not sure what the lady on the lefts name is she helped serve the food the day of and I have not seen her at a PTC meeting before but she was very sweet.  Then me, Nicole the (VP) and Kelly the Secretary.  She did the beverage station and helped serve.
This is what my kitchen table looked like the day before the event:
It was really fun and I loved working with the other moms.  I'm proud to be part of such an amazing group at Aubrey's school.  The PTC does a lot for the school. We are in charge of all the fundraisers, events at school and the field trips.  Actually just last Thursday I was voted in as the new Co-VP so I'm excited to help and serve even more this coming up year.  
The great thing about helping out is sometimes there is left overs and I was shocked with all that Niclole sneaked into my car after the event!!

I had enough to feed an army! It worked out great because I called the missionaries and since they didn't have any plans I sent them home with a huge care package and then we enjoyed the rest.
The week of the luncheon was teacher appreciation week so of course Aubrey made a sweet gift to the best teacher ever Ms. Buttrey!

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