Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Carter is 5!!!

May 2nd finally came and we got to celebrate Carter's 5th birthday!!  
May 2nd this year fell on a Saturday so Carter's party got to be on the real day, so cool!! He was so excited I think he woke us up at 6 am.  He had his door all decorated with his picture from the last 12 months.  It's always so fun to see all the fun things we did the whole year leading up to his current birthday.

 Then we went downstairs to open gifts.

 Carter's gift list was anything Lego's, a remote control helicopter and comfy work out clothes.

 He was beyond excited to get everything he asked for.  After he opened his gifts we did the table prizes for him and Aubrey.
 Carter has loved counting down the days this year.  Every day he did it on his own and would tell anyone that would listen how many days until he was 5.
 For breakfast he picked green pancakes.
 Then Carter and daddy got ready to go down and take his tball pictures.  Usually we do birthday parties around the noon time and I do a lunch but this year I knew we had these pictures and we didn't know the time all we knew was it was between 10-noon so we opted for a later party.  It felt a little weird not planning a lunch menu but hey it made it easier just doing finger foods.  We love that Titi gets to come out usually for the kids Birthday weekends it's always fun having her out for a slumber party.  While daddy and the birthday boy were down at the field taking pictures we worked on the Lego cake and decorating.
 When Carter got home he was very excited and loved the decorations! they picked up Carter's favorite lunch for us all, McDonald's which we enjoyed together.  Then it was back to work to get ready for the party.
 Nana and Papa were are first guest to arrive and they let Carter open his gift.
 He was so excited!! Actually I think excited is an understatement! We have just loved his new trampoline it is perfect for my spunky, wild, crazy, active boy!!!

 I had a couple tearful moments the last couple of days thinking about where we were 5 years ago!

It's amazing that with all Carter and I went through that we are here today and are so healthy.  who would have thought that the little 5lb. 4 oz preemie would be such an amazing, smart, loving, caring, awesome 5 year old.  

And me someone who was on a breathing tube that experienced heart failure and was told I would be on medication and in cardio rehab the rest of my life and now I run 3 miles 4 times a week and have been off medication for over 2 years.  We are so blessed and thankful for what we have been able to overcome.  I'm so blessed that I have been given two wonderful kids that I get to be a mommy too.  I think my experience has given me such an amazing love for my children.  I still get sad that the decision to have more children was taken from me but then I look at what has been given to me and then all those hurt sad feelings go away.  I truly am so grateful!   

We love you very much Carter.  You definitely came into the world a crazy way and you have filled our house with so much love and laughter.  We feel so honored to call you ours and to watch you grow.  You give such wonderful hugs and kisses and you are always there for someone when they are sad. You love to talk!! You tell so many great stories and always have something to say and share with the family.  I really hope you continue to tell me everything! Your vocabulary is amazing, some of the words you say daddy and I are surprised you know! You are brilliant and have started to do math and are interested in learning to read with your sister.  You are such a picky eater you actually hardly ever eat.  You are so busy running around it's super hard to get you to sit down.  At the doctors this week for your check up you weighed 37 lbs. 25% tile weight and you were 3 feet 7 inches 50 % tile for height.  Your doctor said you are a very active 5 year old.  When you do eat your food of choice is chicken nuggets and blue berries.  You are so excited for kindergarten and I actually am doing okay with that since you will be going to the half day kindergarten down the street.  You love animals and catching bugs.  If I would let you you would play the Lego game on the wii U every day all day and you would watch the Lego movie a 100 times a day.  You love bike rides and me to carry you still. Your smile melts my heart and I just love you so much bud!
Happy 5th Birthday!  

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