Friday, March 3, 2017

Weekend in Reno

There is nothing more fun than a spur of the moment mini vacation!! After the basketball games on 2/19 we came home and were relaxing on the coach.  The kids were playing outside while Spencer and I discussed what we should do the rest of the weekend.  We all had Monday off for President's day.  We were planning to go to the bay but since the kids were getting over their colds we didn't really want to bring our germs to Grandma and Grandpa.  Aubrey still talks about the trip to circus circus a couple years ago and actually asked to go there for her birthday this year but with basketball we didn't think it would work out.  Well as we were brainstorming we thought why don't we go to Reno.  So we looked online and sure enough there where rooms available, we called the doggie hotel and they had a room for Deuce so everything was falling into place.  We booked it all and called the kids in and said pack your bags were going to Reno.  They were so excited!!  Looking back on it we should have checked the weather as you will see at the end of the post but for now we were just super excited.  We packed and four hours later we were in Reno!  
Saturday night it was crowded but we still had a great time eating lots and playing so many fun carnival games.

 The kids are amazing gamers and won so many fun stuff animals.

 That night we all had fun cuddling and watching a movie in bed.
Sunday we went to outlets in Sparks and got Spencer lot of handsome new work clothes and shoes.  We also got some stuff for me and the kids just for fun.  We had lunch at BJ's that day.  Then we went over to this amazing kid zone!  They had a very cool climbing area for kids 3-12.  It was indoors and 6 floors of climbing, slides and ball shooters.  They kids had a blast! Spencer and I just relaxed and visited while they played for hours.  I wish we had one of those here! 

 After the fun place it was back to Circus Circus for some more games and to watch the circus.  It was not as crowded Sunday night.

 Monday morning we woke and packed all our stuff up to go home.  I had talked to my dad and he said to make sure to have a full tank of gas and to pack lots of treats and water.  He said a storm was coming in and to prepare for about an 8 hour car ride home.  I thought yeah right we will make it in 4 hours! Well as we were going up the mountain the snow started and it just came so fast and so much! We had to put chains on the car which wasn't that bad and then we helped some other ladies do there's too. They thought Spencer was a professional chain putter oner. lol.  After the chains went on it was a slow bumpy drive but we were still cruising pretty good.
 We needed to pick up Deuce by 4 that day and it was looking like we would be home more like 6 so I arranged for a friend to pick him up and then all of sudden we were died stopped! Not moving an inch it was so frustrating! 
As the minutes turned to hours and we realized we were only in Truckee we were getting pretty worried.  It was already 4pm we had been driving for 7 hours and only made it 45 minutes from Reno! It was crazy! The beautiful snow was turning into a nightmare.  The kids were starving and sure enough we inched our way to an exit that actually had a McDonald's.  It was so crazy words can't even describe how crowded.  It took 40 minutes just to take the exit and to get to McDonald's.  Once there it was like armington! People were going crazy buying food and drinks.  It was there that I realized we were not coming home that night.  Spencer was still determined but my mind was set on staying another night. I called Deuce's hotel and they could keep him so that was a relief.  
 When we left McDonald's we sat for another 2 hours trying to get back onto the freeway it was that insane.  I told Spencer that this was impossible and to please let me book a hotel.  I knew that I had to book quick because other people would probably have the same idea.  He finally agreed and I was so grateful to get a room at the Hampton Suites.  We had packed our boots but not our snow clothes I wish we did because there was so much snow to play in.  Spencer was so stressed out.  He was very quite and just wanted to be in the hotel for the night.  He was worried we would never get out of the storm.  In the hotel it was crazy with stranded people eating TV dinners.  It was a worried feeling of being stuck! but I thought it was a fun adventure.  The gas station by our hotel had mac n cheese for the kids and a Togo's that we got a sandwich to share.  We also stocked up on candies so we were good all cozy in our room with a sugar high.
 That night Spencer researched other routes and we were checking the weather report over and over.  Our plan was to wake up at 5:30am get ready grab breakfast at the hotel at 6am and then hit the road.  So happy we were able to get right on the freeway and we were able to keep a steady flow up the mountain.

 I could not believe how much snow there was it was all white! You could not see signs and times we would not see any other cars.  We had some scary times that I would just pray and pray.  At one point I had a panic attack in my head (I had to not look scared for the kids) because I was worried about an avalanche.  It was really scary!!!!  
Once we were officially going down the mountain it felt so good.  We had made it out! We arrived home at 11:30am on Tuesday.  It was such an adventure of a trip and we for sure learned to check the weather before going next time.  Despite the crazy drive home we had a great time and I could not ask for 3 better people to be stuck in the snow with!

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