Friday, March 3, 2017

Valentine's Day 2017

Valentine's Day was on a Tuesday this year.  We had a wonderful day sharing our love and doing all things sweet that day! Look how cute my love bunnies are.... 
It was so nice to have the day before 2/13 off of school this gave us a whole day to prepare our Valentine's, make treats and decorate cards.  Target really came through this year with the Valentine's! Aubrey and I could not resist these cute little monster eye rings for Aubrey to give out to her classmates.  (They ended up being the favorite Valentine!)
 Carter fell in love with two kinds.  Car erasers for the boys and growing animals for the girls.  They were so cute and he had a blast picking out which one would go to which friend.  He made sure his little crush, Megan got a pink panther for her Valentine.

 Aubrey's teacher was the cutest and put my name on the list of who to make your Valentine's out too.  I was really surprised and felt so loved! So I got little Nerds for my little school nerds and put Love 
Mrs. Kate on them.
 Back to the real day....
The kids woke up to hearts all over the house! (side note yes Carter is holding an American "boy" doll more about that to come soon.)
 I had decorated the island with fun treats and Valentine's for them both.

 We made our famous Valentine muddy buddies for the teachers.
 They picked their favorite breakfasts. 

 Then it was off to school.

 I got to meet up with my Valentine for lunch at a new place in Merced called Bob Cat Diner.  It was really good.  The sweet potato fries are the best!

 Then it was off to Carter's class were we made bouncy balls and did some Valentine science experiments.

 It was then time to deliver their treats to their friends.

 I then ran over to Aubrey's class room where the love was really flowing! She had love music on and the kids were so excited to see me! I was over whelmed with hugs when I walked in.  I was shocked at how much fun treats they had all brought me! I had made some fun lip and mustache straws to go along with the milk and cookies I brought.  

 Then we played a really fun round of multiplication bingo.  It was really fun!

 When we came back home look what my Valentine had left me.....
 He also mowed the laws and straightened up the house it was a big surprise and such a nice treat!
Here were all the treats the kids had brought me...
 I felt so loved! 
We then all ate candy like crazy and watched some TV.  When dad got home he surprised the kids with a Lego set.
 That evening we decided on our favorite take-outs for dinner.
 We ended our day building Lego's and snuggling with this cutie!
It was a perfect Valentine's day!!

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