Friday, August 1, 2014

It feels like just yesterday.......

 that I married my high school sweet heart but really it was 9 years ago!!!!! It's crazy how fast the time has flied and how we still feel like newlyweds.  July 30th was our actual day.  Our wedding was beautiful and everything I could have asked for.  I love thinking of that day and sharing the pictures, videos and memories with our children.  I love that I have got to call my soul mate my hubby for 9 years and I can't wait to call him that forever!

We were in the process of planning an away trip but decided since our summer vacation is coming up to save it for in the fall or around Christmas time.  We did get to have a date night and get a baby sitter Wednesday (7/30) so we could enjoy a kids free dinner together at Pocket 8's.
I love this man more than words! 

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