Wednesday, March 19, 2014

St. Patrick's Day 2014

We had a wonderful St. Patrick's Day weekend! I love being Irish and making this holiday so much fun for the kids.  We went on our annual trip up to Sonora for the weekend.  The real day was on Monday but the St. Patrick's day parade in Murphys was on Saturday.  We drove up to Sonora on Friday and had a delicious corn beef and cabbage dinner with my family.  Laura even made homemade soda bread and it was amazing.  We had a fun night of watching Frozen and being together as a family.
Saturday was the parade.  We woke up early and headed to Murphys. 
The weather was perfect! We have been doing this celebration for 4 years now and we have seen it all, snow, rain, windy and now 70 degree weather!
 It was a lot of fun watching all the neat floats and people march down the main street.

 The daffodil's up by parents house are just amazing! I really want to plaint more bulbs in our yards for next year!

After the parade we braved the crowed and found a nice quite park of to the side to enjoy Irish bangers for lunch.  The kids liked climbing in the trees.
Then onto Columbia for some gold panning.  My dad is so cute and has the craft bug too! He designed these cute personalized gold pans for the kids.  

 It was a lot fun and we actually found some gold.  Daddy and I really got into it.
 After our busy day we came home and enjoyed some fun playing time at Nana and Papa's.  Papa took the kids on a huge hike, Spencer took a nap, Titi made Spencer an amazing homemade chocolate cake and mom and I did some crafts.  We celebrated Spencer's birthday that night.

 Titi just whipped this cake up in like an hour she is amazing!
 Sunday we just relaxed from our busy day before, it was a great weekend.  
Monday the kids woke up to a very green breakfast!

 and you have to have a very green lunch too!
 It was my work day at preschool and it was so much fun! The kids really got into the spirit of things and we all had a blast.

That night our good friends invited us to go to Sweet River Salon for dinner they had a corn beef special it was yummy and fun spending time with them.  I just love this holiday! It was a great few days!
Happy St. Patrick's Day

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