Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Proud to be an American

The week before Veteran's Day a Field of Honor was put up at Merced College.  All the flags were amazing and the kids loved driving by and looking at them all.  They would bag me to take them to look at the flags everyday.  One day after school we went and looked at all the flags and read the stories about people that have and are serving our country.
Tuesday the 5th was election day.  I thought it was a great learning opportunity to take the kids with me.  Surprisingly Aubrey was very interested.  Election day was special to us because my boss Stan was reelected Mayor for a second term.  That night we went to his campaign dinner.   
Aubrey's teacher finally called and I got to volunteer in her class room on Wednesday.  I helped the kids make their turkeys for the class room door.  It was great I LOVED it! I felt so happy to be in her class and it was wonderful to see her teacher teach.  I really appreciate all she does with the kids.  It's amazing how much they are leaning.  Aubrey is already writing sentences and is doing great with her sight words and is starting to read.  Her math is outstanding which it was before school thanks to dad and her coloring/art is fabulous and I like to take the credit for that.  On Friday Ms. Stapp asked if I could arrange for Mayor Stan to come in and talk about the flag with the class.  He is a retired Marine and since it was almost Veteran's Day it was a perfect day to have him talk.  I got to go and watch and then Stan, Spencer and I all had lunch with Aubrey after.
Also on Friday Titi came to visit.  We had so much fun hanging out with our favorite Titi.  We got to watch lots of movies, shop and eat out a lot, so much fun!  The kids and Titi made the BEST chocolate cake from scratch on Saturday.

Monday morning before the parade we did a little art project.

Last year I pretty much jumped right into Christmas stuff right after Halloween so this year I'm trying to slow down the Christmas excitement and really focus on Thanksgiving and teaching the kids about it.  I have had fun decorating.  Carter has been asking if we are going to have a party ever since I hung this banner. 

It has been fun hearing all the things the kids are thankful for.
All ready for the parade!  Aubrey made this hat and flag at school and the teacher asked them to wear it to the parade.  She was very excited.
Aubrey marched in the parade with the Girl Scouts.  Carter and I were going to tag along but when we got there I asked Kendall if her mom was walking and she said no so then Aubrey tells me that she doesn't want me to walk with her either and that she was a big girl, that was harsh!  I guess I have to remember that she is growing up.  

The parade was huge and I felt naked with out my little girl.  A few times I was worried and nervous not to be with her but she was in good hands and I tried to just sit back and enjoy the parade with Carter.  We ran into my good friend Wendy and her daughter Carrie so we sat and watched the parade together.
Oh the joys of a parade right at nap time!

Well Miss Aubrey was on the other side of the group when she walked by us so I didn't get a picture of her walking on Main Street.  After she walked by Carter and I ran to catch up and walked with her the last part of the parade.
I thought this was a cute activity they did in class:
The parade was wonderful.  We are so thankful for all the people that have and are serving our country! Thank You!!
After the parade we came home and Aubrey got the flu, so not fun!!!!  I have got to have her home the whole week which is the plus side.   

1 comment:

haley said...

Oh my goodness, I just caught up on your blog. So many fun and exciting things happening in your family! Way to make memories. :)
Miss you all!!