Monday, April 4, 2011

Carter's 11 Months

What a fun little guy we have! He is just so adorable I want to kiss him all over. Carter is growing like a weed. He is ALL over the place. He crawls at record speeds! He can now crawl up all the stairs (when I'm behind him). He stands up and holds everything and can now stand with no support at all. Carter goes with the flow. He loves being out and about seeing the world. He takes two naps, one at 9am-11am and another 1pm-3pm. Our biggest challenge with Carter right now is changing his diaper. He will not sit still for anything. I remember this being a little bit of an issue with Aubrey but I think it's much harder with Carter. I figure it is because he has a big sister running around that he has to keep up with.

Carter loves to eat! He gets very excited when he is in his high chair. He will eat anything and everything! We had a wonderful tri-tip fundraiser dinner a couple of weekends ago and he got to enjoy a little.

He has to be either crawling or standing and attempting to walk at all times.

It is very cute seeing Carter in action. He loves to stand up and hold the toy box open and pull everything out. We tried to get a pic in action but failed. He goes through everything and finds anything with wheels. He loves cars and trucks. It's funny how he already likes those kind of toys. We have mostly girl toys but he we have a few boy things and he knows right where to look.

As you can see he loves wheels. Carter is just so cute and we love him to pieces. I can't believe he will be 1 next month. We are having tons of fun planing his 1st birthday party and hope to see lots of you here.

Happy 11 months Carter!

We love you!

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