Friday, April 22, 2011

Busy Day

To say that last Saturday was busy is an understatement. We started the day at 6am with a garage sale. Spencer did great! He is such a good salesman. He made over $400 selling random things it was great. I spent most of the morning with the kids in the house. We sold mostly old clothes, shoes, decorations, and some stuffed animals. The kids and I spent most of time looking out the window watching our stuff drive away. Aubrey would have her hands on the window scramming "WAIT.... no mommy's shoes, no daddy's pants, why?" she then looked at me with such sad eyes and said, "what's happening mommy?" It was sad for her but very cute for me to watch, it reminded me of me (I hate getting rid of stuff). Half way through the sale Aubrey and I went to one of Aubrey's best friends, Ethan's birthday party. It was a Spiderman themed party and was very cute.

Saturday was also the Day of the Young Child. A park here in town goes all out with tons of hands on activities for preschool aged kids. We met up with Daddy and Carter and had a wonderful afternoon.

What a day!

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