Monday, March 7, 2011

Mr. Carter

Is now 10 months!!!!! Wow time flies when you are having fun! He is just a little or should I say big bundle of joy. He is standing up getting ready to walk! Can you believe it? I sure can't. It feels like he just started crawling and now he is standing up on everything and just tonight he stood up in the bath without holding onto anything. I have a feeling I'm going to have a first steps post very soon.

He is a happy little guys most of the time. His teething has been really hard. I don't remember Aubrey having so much pain. This little guy drools like you wouldn't believe (we go through 3 shirts a day and that's with a bib). He also gets a really runny nose I think from the teething so it makes it hard for him to stay comfortable but he does the best that he can. He has his two bottom teeth that are the cutest thing when he smiles. He too loves the swings at the park.
He loves to be out and about doing things. He is a little flirt. The other day at the grocery store one of the clerks (a man) started to talk to me Carter gave him the eye. Even the guy said "wow he doesn't want me to be talking to his mom" then when we were in line there were two teenage girls and Carter was smiling from ear to ear. He was acting very bashful it was so cute.
Carter loves to play. He always seems to fine the littlest toys and wants to play with them. He also discovered the stairs today, thanks to his sister opening the gate. He started to climb them and got to the second stair before I stepped in to get him. Thank goodness he didn't fall. He is eating great. He still likes all the fruits and some vegetables. Not a big fan of green beans any more. He likes to snack on yogurt melts, Mum-Mums, puffs, and teething cookies.

I love having a son. He is just a joy and melts my heart with his smiles. I love how he reaches for me from his crib with a huge grin it makes me so happy. I love getting to cuddle with him right before naps and bed times. I love you so so so much Carter.

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