Wednesday, March 25, 2020

January 2020

Wednesday January 1st (New Years Day) we got to celebrate Titi!! It's so fun to always have that day off of work and school so we can enjoy celebrating Titi's birthday.  We were so lucky to have the family come down to us this year.  We were pretty tried from just getting back from Vegas.  We all went to Sizzler for a late lunch early dinner....
Then us girls got to do some fun Hobby Lobby shopping.  
Then we came home for gifts and cake...
Papa ordered the cake this year and asked for big pink flowers.  
Isn't this an amazing cake?!?
It was so yummy too!!!
Happy Birthday Titi
Carter and I started on his Lego Yoda...
Aubrey had a slumber party with her friends on the 2nd.  Avery, Mallary and Mia.  I brought out my old games from the 90's.  Dream Phone and Heart Throb.  They loved them!!!
Carter and I worked more on Yoda!

I am loving my new pressure cooker Spencer got me for Christmas.  It's amazing how fast I can make things.  We have been trying so many fun new recipes.
Our favorite has been the Indian Butter Chicken, so so so good!
Friday the 3rd Carter had Wesley over for a slumber party.
Saturday the 4th we met up with our aunties to exchange Christmas gifts, have lunch and go sledding at the farm in Manteca. It was a lot of fun to see them.... 

Holidays on the farm is so cool.  We did a train ride....
Carter got to a race....
Yummy hot chocolate....
and tubing.....

It was a fun day.
Sunday the 5th we had church.  Then we did spaghetti and meat balls in the instant pot and it was awesome and so easy!  
We enjoyed our dinner up in the movie room...
Monday January 6th was back to school! The kids were excited to see their friends...
I missed them when they were gone all day so I got them a fun art project to do when they got home...

That night was the first day of basketball practice.  Dad is so amazing! He coached both teams again this year.  He puts in so much time and love into his team it's great to watch.  The kids are so blessed to have such an involved dad!

Since we went with the trip as our big gift this year Carter didn't get what he had on top of his list, a hoover board.  He mainly didn't get it because I was worried about safety and the fact that all the hoover boards say 12+ but he REALLY wanted one.  Carter and I did more research and he decided to use his Christmas money on a hoover board.  We read a million reviews and decided he could get one so he ordered it online and waited very patiently for it to finally arrive.  It came on Wednesday January 8th and can you see how thrilled he is....
and like Carter is with everything he tries he picked up on how to do it instantly! 
Friday January 10th I got to sub in Carter's class.  We went to lunch together.
Another fun new instant pot dinner...
Aubrey loves basketball season!
Tuesday January 14th was the first church activity day boys.  
They made kites...
I got to sub in Aubrey's class so I had them do an art project for Valentine's Day
They came out so cute!

Kids at Peterson made me the cutest thank you cards for making the lunch buckets... 
One day that I was subbing and I got to go to the magic science assembly...

Cute Millie!
Friday January 17th Aubrey went to her friend Kayla's paint birthday party. 

Titi and Lucy came to town on Saturday January 19th for a couple nights.  We went to the Dr. Dolittle  movie which was really cute.  
We also did some shopping...
Carter fell in love with a new pet he wants.
Valentine crafts.....

Such cuties!
More Yoda building....

Carter had a cold so I got to have him at home for a couple days.  We took the time to work on his art boy scout badge.  One of the requirements was to paint a portrait.  I was blown away by his art talents! I knew he was talented but this was amazing!!!!!  

We did more art when Aubrey got home...

Saturday January 25th was our first basketball games!  They did great.  We lost both games but it was still so fun to watch and neat to see the stuff both teams need to work on.  
It's going to be a great season!

That night we took the kids to a UC Merced women's basketball game.  It was a lot of fun!

Carter even won a shirt!
The kids looked so cute in their Sunday's best!

Tuesday January 28th was the 100th day of school.  I'm back on the PTC board.  I'm the new secretary.  We had to meet up to sign some stuff so we went to Frozen World and had a treat..
Carter also had to draw a self portrait and that was amazing too! We have a true artist on our hands!
Wednesday 1/29 was jersey day at school....
 That day we had Mallary over for a play date and I dyed their ends purple. 
(With her moms approval of course)
 Spencer found this cute old picture! Doesn't he look like Carter?
 That night we went out to dinner to celebrate Spencer's 14 years with his company.
 It was also Carter's pack meeting at the Nickle Arcade. 

 We had a great time! 
 The 49ers are going to the super bowl! 
I made a shirt to wear for the big game!
 Aubrey loves sweat shirts and is loving wearing all my old ones.  It was cute seeing her in my track and field one with my old last name on it!
 I thought this was so cute I'm sad its blurry! 
Best Friends!
 When I was at the school I got to see their super cool volcano they made for science.
January you were a fun month!

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