Monday, March 30, 2020

Aubrey's 12!!!

Thursday February 6th was Aubrey's real birthday. I tried to have her stay home for a day of fun with me but she was excited to go to school and be with her friends. I remember being in 6th grade and loving it so much so I tried not to take it personally.
Aubrey loved her door of pictures.... 
 and all her gifts.  We had another big group gift that she didn't know about that she got on Saturday when were leaving for Disneyland.  
 Aubrey had her favorite breakfast and got to open a few of her gifts before school.
 Then we got ready for school.  She took cookies to share with the class.
 That afternoon Crater had an award ceremony that I got to go too.  
He doesn't look to happy to get his award, haha.
 Now he is smiling!
 He got an award for math, reading and he was on the honor roll! Way to go Carter!!
 After school we chilled with the birthday girl.  She then decided on Chipotle for dinner, her fav!

 After dinner we cruised the mall as a family!
Then we came home for some ice cream cake.

 Dear Miss Aubrey,
Wow you are 12!!! Your last year of being a "kid" hello teenage years here you come! You are so beautiful, smart, kind and mature.  Your teacher Mrs. Aliberto tells me all the time how mature you are and she is right.  We have to remind you a lot that you are not the adult.  You LOVE school.  You are so social and I would have to say probably one of the most popular kids at school.  I'm not just saying that to be cool.  You really are.  Everyone knows you and wants to be your friend.  You are not only so social you are brilliant! Like too smart sometimes! You get the highest score on all the tests.  Your teacher has to give you 7th and 8th grade math just to keep you busy and you even fly through that work.  You love to read and you write amazing stories!  You have me beat in spelling.  I have to ask you how to spell and as you will see when you get older and look through these blog books I have no idea how to use proper punctuation but you sure do.  I love that we can share clothes now.  You have really great style and I even share some of your clothes.  You are fun to watch chick flicks with and to talk with all about whats going on in your life.  You are still a super daddy's girl and love the time you get to spend with him.  You love basketball and have had a blast in your last season with Upward and dad as your coach.  I'm excited to see if you continue that talent in middle school next year.  You play your trumpet and you are great at it but you don't like band class very much.  It takes you away from classwork and your friends.  Dad and I try to tell you one day band will be fun and you will make such great friends that you will want to be there.  But who knows maybe that was just true for dad and I.  We will see if you continue with it next year.  I love our mother daughter shopping trips and when I talk you into taking the dogs on a walks with me.  Your stories make me laugh and I love your love for life.  Thanks for picking us to be your parents.  We love Aubrey Jane and so proud to call you are daughter!
On Friday Aubrey had her school assembly and she is on the honor roll again. 
She has had a 4.0 the entire year!!!
 That night she had her friends Mallary and Avery's birthday party.
 and I took my little man out to fro yo!
I can not believe we are leaving for Disneyland tomorrow!!!!!

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