Monday, February 4, 2019

The rest of December 2018

12/26 we stayed in our pj's the entire day and played with all our new toys.  We also started organizing all our craft areas and Carter played with his new science kit...
 oh and the kids and Spencer made a huge fort!
 12/27 we played more with the science snow...
 Dad had to run into work that day so we declared it a fun friends day.  Both Aubrey and Carter invited friends over and to go to Rockin Jump so I invited my best friend titi!! We all went out to lunch at Jantz...
 Then to Rockin jump with the kids friends...

 and you have to have an ice cream treat after jumping like crazy..
 That night we made a fun tunnel for the dogs and played games.

 Friday 12/28 we went up to Manteca and let the kids do some sledding.  We had a blast watching them.  My arm was still pretty sore so the thought of sledding and trying to get back up seemed to much.  Dad and I had fun taking pictures and recording the kids...

After sledding we picked up grandma from Uncle Adam's house and got to have her at our house for a few nights.  Friday night we just relaxed and watched minute to win it.
Saturday we all went out and did some errands and then grandma took us to frozen yogurt...
 That night we did a slime challenge and had grandma guess which person made which slime it was fun!

 She got them all right!!!
Sunday 12/30 we got to grandma to Church with us and then came home and relaxed.
 Spencer is having gun with his new meat cutter and makes all our met look like it's straight from the deli.
 The kids love having their sleep overs...
 12/31 News Eve we just kind of hung out in the day time.  Did our usual gym stuff then that night we got ready to go with friends out to dinner and to the movies.

 We went to dinner with The Chu's and Chambers then to the movies.  All the girls went to Mary Poppins and the boys went to Bumble Bee.
 That night we rang in the new year with treats, hanging with the dogs and playing head bandz.

We look so tired! Lol
Bye 2018 and hello 2019

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