Monday, February 4, 2019

Leading up to Christmas!!

We were so excited for the really long Christmas break we had 12/19-1/7!! On the 19th we had the friend gingerbread party.  The 20th we did some shopping per Frosty's request...
  had Pizza Factory with dad for lunch that day..
and also worked on my sister-in-law gifts..
Friday 12/21 was dads work family Christmas party at the office... 

 Saturday 12/22 we finally had time to get our annual Santa picture!! This year we went to the the Turlock ice skating rink and Santa was just perfect! 

After visiting Santa we went ice skating...

We were having lots of fun skating around the rink.  Carter was having a hard time with his balance and at one point grabbed me for support and I went crashing down to the ground.  It hurt so bad and I was actually stuck on the ice for a little bit.  Everyone was trying to help me up and even Spencer ran on the ice in his shoes.  I fell on my shoulder pretty bad and as I type this on 2/4 I still have a little pain.  I felt bad that Carter felt so bad.  It's been a slow recovery but I think I'm almost to 100 percent again.  After ice skating we had dinner at one of our new favorite spots in Turlock.
 12/23 we had fun getting in Christmas colors for church.  I had bought Aubrey a pretty lace dress but she wasn't having it so she picked out another festive outfit. 
After church Aubrey and I drove up to Sonora to have a cookie baking day at Titi's new house.  It was so much fun being with the girls all day.  

 We baked and baked and baked some more!! The cookies all came out so yummy and pretty.

We even got to see Papa really quick that day.
 Monday 12/24 was finally here! We were all excited!  Frosty left his last note and a magic trick for us...

 I made Christmas tree pancakes..
 and then we got ready for the Supinger Christmas Eve party in Manteca.
 We played the super fun mitten unwrapping game with a huge group...

 Had a ping pong tournament that Spencer won! yay!
White elephant for both kids and adults...
 celebrated Gentry's birthday...
 and ate way too much food!!  
When we came home the eggs Frosty left out had turned into chocolate eggs which was pretty cool.
 The kids then got in their jammies, wrote their letters to Santa and got the plate of cookies all ready. 
It was then time for the Night Before Christmas...

 and off to bed we all went!....

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