Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Yay it's February

I just love the month of February.  I love everything about Valentine's day, the cold weather and most of all we get to celebrate Aubrey all month for her birthday.  It's always a special time reliving her birth and how excited I was to have my baby girl.  It's just a very special month to me.  
The month started off with a bang when we got the note home that said Aubrey was Student of the Month!! Her assembly was on Friday February 3rd and her daddy and I could not have been more proud watching her stand up and get her award! This means that Aubrey has been student of the month 3 times now! She is an amazing student!! 

Carter also was recognized for his panther math scores.  It's hard to see him standing up but he was in that group of students that passed their math tests.
 That night was Aubrey's and Spencer's Father/Daughter girl scout dance.  It was a Luau theme this year.  They looked adorable in their authentic Hawaiian outfits.  They had a great time dancing the night away and enjoying chicken teriyaki, rice, rolls, fruit and cake.  After the dance they did their annual frozen yogurt and Target shopping for a little prize.  They both look forward to this every year and they are the cutest! I know Spencer has more pictures I need to get them to post.
 Since they were on a date Carter and I wanted to go on a date too!
 I took him to KFC for the first time.  Not sure why it has taken so long to try this place with him because he loves chicken nuggets but we have just never gone.  It was fun and the people their were entertaining I loved that we meet a guy in line that only spoke Spanish but some how I was able to understand him and we had a great conversation.  

 After our feast we went to the movie Monster Trucks which was so cute! I was preparing myself for a boring movie but I actually really loved it and I loved having my snuggle buddy holding my hand the entire time.
 Saturday we were back to basketball.  Spencer is doing a wonderful job as coach and has had tons of compliments from his team members parents about how much they are enjoying having him as their sons coach. 
 It was a super busy day that day because not only did we have the two games it was also picture day.  I felt like we were running around like crazy.  That day before pictures we had Eve over for lunch and to play a little.
 I was trying to get a good picture of the boy's team but the sun was very bright so we need to try that again in the next few weeks.

I made these really good cookies for the PTC meeting on 2/2.  They came out adorable but man they were a lot of work.
 The kids have been busy getting their Valentine's boxes ready for school.  I love Target they have the cutest sets! The kids loved following the directions and making their creations all on their own.

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