Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Our Families first broken bone!

It's true we had our first break in The supinger household.  I thought for sure it would be Carter that would be our first with the way he climbs and jumps but it was Miss Aubrey and she is rocking the pink sparkly cast for sure!
On Monday January 16th Spencer and I talked the kids into helping us to do some yard work.  We were all out front as a family and then all of a sudden we hear an ahhh ouch and we see Aubrey on the street.  At first she was in shock and wasn't crying then the tears started and we were trying to figure out what happened.  I guess she was playing with the push broom and the bottom of the broom broke off and she lost her balance and went down and tried to brace her fall with her arm.  She was in a lot of pain and it was a little swollen but we didn't want to rush to the hospital because we thought maybe it was just a sprian so we decided to give it a little a time.  We got cleaned up and then went to pizza for lunch and then to the arcade.  Aubrey was complaining but was still having fun.

 After the arcade Aubrey went to play at Molly's house and then we went to basketball practice.  At practice she was in a lot of pain so she sat out most of the time.  After talking to other moms they all thought we thought it was just a sprain and just needed time to heal.  We watched Carter practice and then we went home.

That night she could barley sleep.  She was exhausted the next day and still in pain so she stayed home from school and went to work with me.  She got to snuggle Kevin's dog at work that day.
 I was able to get her appointment with the doctor that afternoon.  One look at it and doctor Asadi told us to get a temporary cast thing and go get an xray.  I said "okay so we can go tomorrow?" since it was already 4:30 she said no we needed to go right away so we did.
 We ran over to the medical store to get her this cute little removable cast which she liked a lot since it gave her more support.
It was then off to the xray.  It confirmed that it was a broken wrist.  My poor baby!! She was excited to get a cast but I was worried.  
On Thursday 1/19 daddy took her to get her cast.  I was subbing in Carter's class that day and they needed to do it before a certain time to allow it to dry so by the time I got to her appointment it was all done.

She was super excited to get a pink glittery cast!

She has been doing good with it and I think likes all the attention.  She is able to play basketball but one handed so it's a little tricky.  Thank goodness it was her left wrist.  She will get to get it of on 2/22 but for now it's just another accessory.  I tell you this girl with her glasses, braces and now a broken bone!  She sure gives us a run for our money but we love her to pieces!

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