Monday, January 2, 2017

Christmas Eve 2016

We could hardly believe it was already Christmas Eve.   Why does the Christmas season just fly by???
 We had our annual Supinger party at Adam and Susan's in Manteca.  We had a huge feast and then played and hung out.  Carter was in love with all the Nerf guns they had around the house.  I'm not a big gun fan.  I absolutely hate hunting and I'm really anti gun so we don't have toy guns at our house.  So carter had a great time getting some Nerf play time in. 

 After we played it was time for the white elephant game.  First up the kids.  All the sister in laws were persuading Carter to pick one gift in particular and guess what it was.... 
 oh joy! Aubrey got Hungry Hippo which she was not to happy about.  But when we took it back to Target after the holidays and she got $20 for it it made it worth it!
 After the kids we did the adult White Elephant.  That's always a super random one.  People wrap just random stuff around the house.  We were excited to give the gross bath salts I got last year and the funny kissing bunnies.

 After our games we sang the 12 days of Christmas and ate dessert.  Then it was time to get some family pictures.

 We were so excited to get home and get ready for Santa.  We first watched a couple Nativity videos together.  Then we hung our stockings.

 Read the night before Christmas.

Wrote a note to Santa

 Put out some cookies and milk.
 And then tried our hardest to fall asleep! We were all so excited for the next day.  Aubrey asked if we could wake up at 4am but Spencer set the rule to not wake us up before 6am.  It was funny because Spencer actually woke up and woke me up at 4am asking if we could get the kids up! We stuck to the rule and went back to sleep.  Next Up Christmas!!!

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