Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First Day of Preschool

Well here we go again for year 3 at Merced Parent Preschool.  I just love this program and I guess that is why I will put up with the crazy teachers and endless hours of volunteering lol!  I can't ask for a better school for the kids.  I love the families, making up my own curriculum, enjoying parties and  basically the whole idea of the school so much I will just bite my tongue and deal with Mrs. Robbins for one more year.  Carter was very excited to start back up and will tell everyone "I'm going to the red school for just 1 more year and then I'm in kindergarten." Please Carter lets not rush that!!  We have decided that Carter will do a private half day kindergartner since I can't go through that separation anxiety again so that makes for a little less stress about the future.  But again lets not rush that and just enjoy this next year.  Carter's first day was orientation day on Monday August 25th and then officially started Tuesday September 2nd.  He loves it and is making lots of new friends and enjoying time with his best "old" friends too!   

 I love how Aubrey wanted to help in this picture. (She assured me she would be hiding her face lol)
 I figured out that getting a picture of my guy standing still was pretty hard that day.  Isn't the climbing picture so him?
The first day was just the kids that mom's work on that day.  Carter is a ladies man on Mondays! I love the friends I get to work with this year!!! My bestie Murun, Susan, Hillary and Karissa we are all friends so this will be a lot of fun!
Our first day and the last 2 days have been great.  Like last year I don't want him to go every day.  I really want to cherish this precious year we have together but at the same time want him to be social.  We are going to try 2/3 days a week and see if that works best for our family.  My planning days this year is animal week and under the sea week.  Murun and I got lucky and got to do our special project before school started.  We cleaned the shed and got the class room ready for the school year.  So much easier then a party and it's nice to be all done.

My kids beyond flattered me this week.  
Carter was asked to paint a picture of his family and he did this: 
He said he just wanted to paint mommy in a black dress! So cute!!

I got to volunteer in Aubrey's class on Tuesday this week.  It was fun to meet some new friends and be in her classroom.  It was nice not having to wait until November like I had to for kindergarten.  
Every day in 1st grade they have been working on their letters and letter sounds this was her letter "K" day:
 She said, "I asked my teacher if I could write my favorite "K" word, Kate and she said yes so I did" Look at that cute picture!

I just love my kids more than word can express and this just makes me feel like a really special mommy!

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