Friday, April 18, 2014

End of March/ Early April

With Easter fast approaching my camera is sure getting a work out.  We have been busy busy with tons of activities that I'm excited to post about but in the mean time I still have to get caught up with last part of March and early April.  Aubrey is loving her girl scouts.  Her troop is just adorable.
 We delivered all 190 boxes of cookies that she sold.  We also spent a Saturday selling in front of Wells Fargo.  I'm very proud with my little sales woman.  She set a goal and did it!
Aubrey's hair is starting to grow so I'm able to put it in pig tails again.  Doesn't she look just like pinkalicious?
Carter is loving preschool.  The other day Nana and I got to work together Carter was also super kid that day.
 He doesn't go to preschool that much 1-2 days a week.  I still like keeping him home with me and we even went and did story time at the library a couple weeks ago.
Aubrey was invited to her first slumber over party April 4th.  It was her best friend Kendall's 6th birthday.  I'm not too sure about sleep overs and what kind of rules we will have on them quite yet.  I was a bit surprised about this invitation and thought 6 year old's were to young and I felt very nervous about this but on the other hand we are good friends with Kendall's parents and the party was just Kendall, Aubrey, Kendall's cousin and one other friend so I was pretty okay with it.  I could not brake my little girls heart and deny her the opportunity so we gave it a try.  She had a good time eating pizza, dancing, crafts, cake and watching Frozen.  Kendall's mom did a great job texting me pictures all night long and she even slept with the girls.  Aubrey called us before bed and sounded happy and excited.  Noon the next day could not come sooner.  I was very excited to hear all about it.  She said she had a good time but missed us.  The other friend there was younger and I guess pretty mean and annoying so that was hard for her to deal with but she did have fun.  Since the party until now (Kendall spent the night last night) Aubrey could not stop asking for Kendall to sleep here.  I was happy she had this experience but I think we will hold off on slumber parties for now and wait until she is a little older.  I much rather have kids here then have mine gone.  
 April 5th and 6th was conference weekend.  It's so much fun with the kids now that they are a little older.  I made these pots with candy in them and when they heard the word on the pot they got to eat the candy.
We also had a mini store and had the kids earn coins to buy stuff.  You earned coins by listening, answering questions and drawing pictures of what they heard.
Wednesday April 9th I took the kids to a bubble show in Atwater.
Thursday April 10th Aubrey had a walking field trip to the fire station. 
After school we did some Easter crafts.

 Also on the 10th it was my monthly Relief Society Activity.
I found this idea on pinterest and I just loved it! It was a retro night.  We had about 25 women come.  All in all I think it was a fun night.  I asked people to dress retro here was my 1950 housewife look:
 The pies were adorable!!!  I found the recipe on-line and Sister Fife helped me with the pie crust and I had her run that station.
 I had asked people to borrow 1950's decorations and to my surprise no one had anything!! So I decided printing out pictures would be neat so here is what I came up with:
 Another one of our stations with learning how to can.  Sister Tanner taught that class.  All the ladies got to take home a freezer jam.
 I worked in the sewing room.  We had I think 8 sewing machines going making aprons.  It was fun but  a lot of work.  I'm pretty new at sewing myself so for me to have to teach it I wasn't the best.  My Relief Society president and myself decided that we need to have a person taking pictures at the events.  The only pictures I took were before since I was so BUSY I didn't get any when the event was going on.  I was sad that I didn't get everyone dressed up or all the ladies enjoying the night.  I guess I will just have to hold it in my memory.  I did get to take home some pies to share with Spencer and the kids.  So yummy!
 I was happy the activity went well.  Now on to planning Carter's party!
Aren't they too cute!

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