Sunday, August 29, 2010

Visiting Family

Two weeks ago Aubrey, Carter and I went to the Bay Area to visit family. My grandma just turned 87 and is doing okay but not great. She has Dementia and lives in a retirement home. She has been having some terrible blood clots in her legs which has pretty much made her bed bond for right now so I though it was important to go out and visit her. While out in the bay we got to spend lots of time with my family and do many fun things.

Wednesday we went to Arden Wood with Nana and Titi. It was awesome! You could touch almost all the animals. Aubrey got to pet a cow, horse, pig and some sheep. We saw chickens walk right by us and she feed peacocks while we had lunch. It was so neat seeing her excitement.

My Little Cow Girl!

That night G'pa read Aubrey a good night story.

On Thursday we went to the park, lunch and shopping but I didn't get any pictures :( Then on Friday we went to Habitot Children's Museum in Berkeley. It was Bug day. Aubrey saw lots of bugs and made a cricket house. She also got to play with all the regular exhibits that she loves there.

It was a very nice trip and fun to be with our family.

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