Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Aubrey's Big Girl Bed

Well we finally did it. We converted Aubrey's crib into her toddler bed Sunday Aug. 15th. Aubrey has always been an excellent sleeper. She started sleeping through the night at only about 1 month. She took two naps all the way until she was about a year and a half and now (or should I say did) takes a long afternoon nap. We didn't really find the need to change her crib, she liked it and never tried climbing out so we just keep it as a crib. The last few weeks we have had a lot of potty accidents so we thought we should make her bed a big girl bed that way if she had to go potty she would open the door and let us know. Well the potty accidents have stopped but now the hard part is keeping her in her room. She does great at bed time we have only had one night in a week that she was screaming and came out and told us there was a "guy" that means something scary. Naps are a little more difficult. I have a baby gate in the door so she stays in there but she opens and closes the door a lot. I sometimes think that we should just change it back but being that she is 2 1/2 I guess it's time for her to be a big girl.

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