Thursday, August 6, 2009

Aubrey's 18 months

Aubrey is 18 months today!!!!

Aubrey had her 18 month doctors appointment yesterday and is doing great. I had an appointment to go get her 18 month pictures done tomorrow but this morning while outside she fell and hit her forehead. She is fine just has a bump right in the middle of her eyebrows. So when you look at her picture that's why it is so big we re-scheduled for next week.

She is starting to copy everything we do and say. Tonight when I was saying good night to her I left the room saying "I love you" and it sounded like she said it back and waved it was very cute.

Aubrey's favorite toys right now are Fisher Price Little People she has over 50 of them and just loves to carry them everywhere and sort them in groups. She also loves my swiffer duster. When ever I'm dusting she has to help.

This evening we went to Summer Fest on Main Street.

1 comment:

Marlyse said...

That's so funny she likes your swiffer! And did she line up all her little people like that?

That's hilarious.

I wish her and Hadley could get together.