Friday, March 27, 2009


I have been having so much fun with my sewing machine. My latest creation is these sundresses. I found the pattern on-line and I changed it a little and came up with these:

The first one is 18 months and is a little big for Aubrey right now but should be perfect in a month or so and this other one I made is 12 months.


Marlyse said...

OH MY GOSH! Kate those are adorable! Do they take very long to make? I love the fabric you used for the 18 mo. old dress, it is very cute. You could totally sell those.

Megan said...

So so Cute. I love them.
You should sell them. I see them all over for way good money. I thik they are called like Penifore Dresses or something like that. Not sure on the spelling. has lots.

Unknown said...

So cute!!! You are so crafty! Loving the blog updates so I can keep track of you guys. XOXOX