Sunday, July 12, 2020

June 2020

Summer at home! Covid-19 is still going on and the numbers are actually getting higher and higher so we are trying to get use to our new normal around here.  Somethings have opened up and we have been getting out a little more but still trying to be as cautious as we can.  

Ever since our Mother's Day spa day we have been doing more masks which are a lot of fun...

Tuesday June 2nd we let Aubrey have her first play date in a long time! 
Presley came over to swim...


and spend the night.  It was nice for Aubrey to have some friend time.
Cute Macy and Carter...
Wednesday June 3rd the kids and I went up to Sonora to be with family for the night. 
We went up to Columbia to walk around and had to make a stop at our favorite candy store.

We made our way over to the rocks to hike and climb on...

Not only are we dealing with a pandemic right now we are also dealing with protests and riots regarding racism in the United States. A poor African American man lost his life due to a white cop hurting him which has made lots of American's upset, understandably.  They were having a huge demonstration in downtown Sonora that day.  
Once we got home we went through old photos.  I thought this one of my dad looked just like Carter...
We had a yummy pizza dinner and then played ticket to ride.
Thursday June 4th we slept in and then hung out and had lunch with everyone and then came back home to dad and the puppies.  It was a nice visit.
That day was also the kids official "last day of school" We had pretty much finished up school the week prior but since it was the official last day of the school year I wanted to snap some pictures..

Friday June 5th I did Aubrey's make-up for fun.  She is beautiful without but it was still fun playing around and man doesn't she look grown up?
The boys played Magic that afternoon..
and Aubrey and I went to Target.  We had our masks on but we took them off for the picture...
This is what the Lego aisle looks like.....
Dad's work is amazing! They did a wonderful slide show for the entire company to see all the graduates of 2020.  Aubrey was one of them for graduating 6th grade.  They also sent her a card and $25 gift card to Amazon.  It was so thoughtful!
Saturday June 6th we went to Lake Yosemite for a picnic and hike. It was beautiful weather and we feel so blessed to have such a pretty place to explore basically in our backyard.

I love that these boys love playing magic together!
Sunday June 7th we had a lazy day at home watching movies, doing puzzles and Carter made us some amazing cookies all by himself!

A tradition at Peterson is to have a 6th grade vs. teacher kickball game at the end of the year.  When school was closed for the rest of the year the 6th graders were so disappointed that they didn't get their kickball game.  Aubrey even said "I have watched 6 years of kickball and couldn't wait for my turn to play and now I can't!!" Mrs. Taylor was so awesome and arranged for a game at the park on Monday June 8th.  I was a little worried due to all the media but at the same time this was an opportunity for the kids to see some of their friends and their teachers.  So we went but tried to keep a safe distance and washed our hands really well.

The 6th graders that came...
6th graders and their teachers...
Aubrey with her teacher Mrs. Aliberto 
She loved Mrs. Aliberto so much!!
The whole group that played....
We completed our puzzle later that day...
Tuesday June 9th Spencer and I were going out to do our shopping and while driving to the store decided lets go grab dinner.  We had heard that restaurants had been opening up so we thought why not! It had been exactly 3 months since we had gone to a restaurant! We went to String's and it was fabulous! The food was yummy, service great and the restaurant was so clean and we were safely distanced from others.  It was a nice treat! 
That night was Aubrey's young women zoom meeting.  They made cookies all together...

Our peach tree was in full bloom.  Usually we are on vacation the first part of June so we don't get to enjoy our peaches as much but being home this year we were able to pick lots to take to friends and use a lot for baking and just enjoying right off the tree.
I love making this peach dump cake!
The kids did a fun sewing project...

Aubrey finally got her 6th grade panoramic...
Macy is just too cute for words! She loves taking pictures which is so cool.  Milly is super cute too but she is more camera shy.
Friday June 12th Titi came over for the weekend.  We did an El Pollo Loco picnic...
Had yummy sundaes and a movie night....

Saturday June 13 we celebrated Father's day with the family.  Nana, Papa and Gaga came down to Merced for the day.  Before they came down we made some peach cobbler for dessert.
It was a fun day to have them over.  The kids swam and we all hung out eating and talking.  The kids also took Papa on a fun bike ride around town.

Spencer smoked tri-tip for us and it was delicious. 
After dinner the kids played catch with papa and then the dads got to open some gifts...

Then we had dessert which came out super yummy!!
I love my dad so much.  He's still the guy I always go to with questions or if I need advice.  He has always been such an awesome dad.  I look up to him a lot and I just think his a super cool dad.
He also is the best papa! My kids are so lucky to have such a neat papa to do fun things with.  He is always up for an adventure.  He has the best jokes and makes us laugh all the time.  We sure love him lots and lots. 
The dads!!
 I know it must be so hard for Spencer not to have his dad here.  I'm grateful that my dad has always been like a real dad to him too.  We miss grandpa everyday and we know he is looking down and watching us.  We truly are blessed to have such great dad's in our lives.
Our family!
Sunday June 14th we took the dogs to the dog park...

and then had a pizza pool party!

It was a really fun weekend!
Monday June 15th the kids and I ventured down to the Fresno Zoo.  Things are opening up which is great but it's still stressful trying to make the right decision about what to do and what not to do.  The zoo was really well organized and they had all high touch areas off limits and all indoor things closed so we felt pretty safe.  It felt so fun getting out and doing something normal.  I think all the animals were happy to see people again too!

Something new this year is the Zoorassic park.  It was really cool and all the animals looked so real!
I screamed when we came around the bend and saw this guy! I thought he had escaped from his cage!

I had printed out some fun Zoo scavenger hunts and riddles for the kids to do while we were exploring. 

It was a great day!!!
Tuesday June 16th we took the kids to Hobby Lobby and they got to pick out a model car they wanted to build.

It's been a really fun project for them to do with dad.

Wednesday June 17th we went up to Modesto to pick up mom.  She got to stay with us for a week.  It was fun having her in town.  She was not a big fan of Spencer's corona facial hair (it was starting to bug me too!) so he let us shave it off! 
 He looks so much younger with it shaved off and I even think nicer, haha!
We played lots of games while Grandma was in town.
 Carter and I have been doing a book club with some friends from school.  We just finished.  The book Refugee was so good! We really enjoyed it and I was glad I read it with him because there were some scary parts.  Aubrey also read it so it was fun having a book we could all talk about.
Friday June 19th Carter was invited to Noah's drive through Kona Ice birthday party.  
We took a 6 feet apart birthday picture....

 Being 6th feet apart doesn't last long when you are with your buddies that you haven't seen in 4 months!

 Sunday June 21st was Father's Day! 
Spencer sure got spoiled with having his mom in town too! 

 After gifts we made a nice breakfast. 
 That day we watched lots of movies, played games and had a relaxing Father's day.  That night we made one of Spencer's favorites, burgers!
 It was a great day and it was nice having grandma here to celebrate with.  We love you dad so much thanks for all you do and being such a great example to us.
 Tuesday June 23rd we did a paint class with Grandma.  They all came out so unique and beautiful! It was fun doing something creative all together...

 I was so sad to find out that my friend Samantha was moving down south!! She was leaving the end of the month so I planned a little good bye dinner for her Wednesday June 24th.  The original plans were to do it in our backyard but with grandma in town I didn't want to expose her so changed the plans and did the dinner at Strings.  It was fun seeing my friends but sad to say good bye to a really fun friend!

 Grandma left on Thursday June 25th.  It was so fun having her for a week.  I felt bad we could't really go out or do anything but we still had a lot of fun! 
Friday the kids got a fun package from Nana and Papa.
 They always get the coolest things for the kids!
We LOVE our pool and spend lots of time playing and having fun.
 Sunday June 28th we did a fun 10 mile family bike ride.  It was pretty warm so a yummy Icee was a nice treat.
Monday June 29th poor Aubrey had to have her final baby tooth pulled! She is such a trooper and just did it with out any trouble!

 That night we did a live Zoom family paint night with an instructor.  
They came out so pretty!
 Spencer cracks me up when he is playing his games and twirling his hair.
 Tuesday June 30th Aubrey got her online purchase she had been waiting for, she as so excited!
 She is one fashionista!!! 

 On our evening walks with dogs we usually go this pretty shady way by the creek.  We were so happy to find these adorable fairy houses along the way....
It was super cute and made our night! I love how creative people have been.  After we left our painted rocks on the bridge others followed and have been leaving more painted rocks and now these fairy houses!! Too cute! 

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