Wednesday, December 18, 2019

October 2019

Well October came and went and we were so busy! I will let the pictures tell our story...
Carter still loves papa's army suit...
 Saturday 10/5 Carter sold popcorn for his troop...

 That was also conference weekend so we had our conference store...
 and yummy cinnamon rolls...

 At school they are not allowed to wear costumes so Aubrey had the idea to do a shirt costume with her friends.  They decided to be crayons and I helped her cut the vinyl.  She had all her friends over for a little crafting party to make their shirts and do a Halloween craft..

 They came out super cute
 October was Engineer month for cub scouts.  Carter had to make a design and then build it.  He did really good.

 I made this cute sign for our front yard.

In the craziness of October we found a house that we feel in love with on Bear Creek.  We even put an offer but when we were asked to go a little higher we didn't feel right so we didn't go through with it.  It was exciting though to get as far as we did.  I still do love the house!
October RS newsletter...
 Cub Scout clean up day...
 Since October was all about engineering and building Spencer went to a meeting and talked about what he does.  Carter was proud of his dad!

 Always fun to get Aubrey's monthly slime kit!

 Loving our newest member of the family!
 Saturday October 12th went up to Manteca to see David and Carrie who were visiting from Utah.
 Sunday October 13th we met my side of the family in Turlock to go to the pumpkin patch, dinner and celebrate mom and dads birthdays.  They were in Scotland for a few weeks so it was so fun to see them and catch up! They also got to meet Macy!

 They loved her!
 I was so proud of mom doing the corn maze!

 Since we have all these new dogs we went to a pet friendly pumpkin patch so it was lots of fun having them all with us.

 Papa and Nana with all our their grand puppies!
 We even found a pet friendly restaurant.  It was so yummy and so much fun to celebrate Nana and Papa!

 We loved all the gifts they brought us back from across the pond!

 Wednesday October 16th the cub scouts had a field trip to the fire station.

 It was fun to see our neighbor Kevin on the clock...
 Walking the puppies!
 Fall crafts!
 Friday October 18th I let the kids invite some friends over for movie in the park and to sleep over.
 We went to Goosebumps 2 it was really fun!

 Pancake breakfast!
 Saturday October 19th just the 4 of us went to Hunter farms and had fun on all the rides...

 That night we had a Harry Potter party....

 We looked pretty awesome!

 Sunday October 20th we made a fun hunted gingerbread house...

 Monday October 21st was western day at school...
 It was also early release all week so we enjoyed crafting in the afternoon..
 Tuesday October 22nd red, white, and blue day..
 Wednesday October 23rd crazy hair and socks day...

 That night was awards at boy scouts...
 Thursday October 24th was hat day.  The book fair was going on all that week so I was there helping out...

 That night Aubrey had a youth group activity at the pumpkin patch.  She went as a scary doll...

It was also Witch night out at Lori's that night...

 Saturday October 26th we went up to Sonora for the Halloween festival in downtown..
 Introducing the Addam's Family....

 We had so much fun and the kids stayed in character the entire time...

 Everyone loved our costumes we had a blast with it!

 That night we celebrated my birthday!

 I was spoiled spoiled spoiled! I even got my favorite cake!

 Sunday October 27th Carter worked on his Indian report with papa.
 We all got to go bowling and dinner that evening...
 Monday October 28th Aunt Pat came to town for a few nights.  
Carter also got his science kit...
Tuesday October 29th pumpkin carving....

 Wednesday October 30th I took Aubrey to meet up with her friends for the Halloween scavenger hunt at the mall...
 That night was the scouts trunk or treat..

 Thursday October 31st Halloween!
 I got to sub in Carter's class that day and also organize the Halloween party.  We had so much fun! I came up with 8 centers for the kids to do....

Aubrey and her friends were the talk of the school! Aubrey's teacher even made them cone hats!

 That day was also student of the moth assembly! Proud of our guy!
 Aubrey got a bunch of awards too!

 Halloween dinner...
 and we are off to our final Halloween celebration! Trunk or treat at the church and then trick or treating around town!

 Wow! What a month! Carter wanted to make a graph of his candy so that is what we did on Friday after school.

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