Friday, October 25, 2019

Back to School

Well August 14th was the first day of school.  So hard to believe this was Aubrey's last first day of school at Peterson! Man have the years flown by.  I'm still amazed I have a 6th grader and my little Carter guy is in 4th grade I'm going to cry!  These kids just can't stop growing! 
They were both very excited to go back to school and see all their all friends so I held back the tears and got excited for them.

 Carter let me walk him to his class.  I was excited to see Mrs. Taylor and she was thrilled to have another Supinger in her class!

 Aubrey didn't let me walk to her class but I did get to take a quick pic of her and Kayla before she ran off on me.
 The day went super quick and I must admit it did feel very nice being able to go to the gym and not feel guilty. I knew they were having a fun day! I was so excited to pick them up and hear about their first days.  I did get to make a quick peek into Aubrey's classroom.  It is set p super cool I loved the reading area!
 I wanted a picture of her with her teachers but she said that was weird! 
After school we had a fun yogurt treat.
They talked and talked and talked! They both had a great first day and can't wait for the fun school year ahead!

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