Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Last 2 weeks of School

We stayed super busy the last couple weeks of school before Christmas break...
Monday 12/10 we did our family gingerbread house... 

 Frosty send the kids on a candy cane scavenger hunt...

 Tuesday 12/11 I helped in Carter's class making the parent Christmas gift..

 Wednesday 12/12 was Deuce's 13th Birthday...
we sure love our Deucie so much!
It was also beanie and scarf day at school...
and Frosty was giving out kisses...
 After school we dropped Carter off at Ander's and then took Aubrey to get her nails done for her big winter concert that night.
 We are so proud of our trumpet player!
 She is amazing at trumpet! I'm so proud of her and how she has worked so hard and can play so many amazing songs!!
 Her winter concert was awesome!! Spencer and I were both very impressed with how many songs they played and how well they sounded.  It sure wasn't like our beginning band.  Aubrey was the best trumpet player by far! You could hear her more than anyone else she is really taking after her dad.  Dad was one proud dad! 
 After the concert we went to dinner at Jantz as a family.
 and then home to celebrate Deucies birthday...

 Thursday December 13th I was subbing at the kids school so I woke up early to do my cycle class at 5:30am and pulled my back out while I was putting on my shoes! It hurt so bad and I could barley walk for 2 days! I still manged to get to the school and hobble around that day but by that evening I was stuck in bed!
 While at school I had to go see what the elf's were up too..
 and I got to take my class I was teaching to Carter's dress rehearsal for his play..
 That night dad and Carter made snicker doddles
 Friday I didn't move! I stayed in bed all day!! Aubrey actually had a tummy ache that day so she stayed in bed with me and was my helper to get me stuff.  It rally wasn't that bad since we could just relax and watch Christmas movies all day!! It was actually really nice.
That weekend was really low key for us since I was still in some pain.
Saturday we did some shopping and Sunday went to church.  
Also in Sunday I worked on the gifts for the schools administration... 
 and the teachers...
and our neighborhood friends..
 I made homemade peanut brittle
 and peanut butter balls..

Monday 12/17 was ugly sweater day at school the kids looked more cute than ugly..
 Since I was helping out that day I dressed up too..
 That afternoon I made cupcakes for the girl scout Christmas party that night.
 It was a fun potluck with the girl scout troop..
 They did a fun white elephant exchange..
 Tuesday 12/18 was Carter's play.  He was a mean scientist and he took his role very seriously.  He had to wear all black and leather to look tough! 
He did so good!! It was so much fun working with his class the entire month and then seeing the final product at the end.  

 Carter was so excited to have dad there and also a surprise visit from Titi!! She took the day off work to come and support him.  Best Titi ever!!

 I was lucky to get to go to lunch and shop with her after.  What a fun day!
 We finally made it to the last day of school Wednesday 12/19...
Our annual friend gingerbread house party up next...

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