Tuesday, January 15, 2019

First week of December

Tuesday December 4th Aubrey's science fair project was due....
We have been working on it since Thanksgiving break.  Aubrey thought it would be fun to see what fruits would mold first so she decided on 6 different fruits strawberry, orange, banana, apple, blue berry and grapes and we observed them for 2 weeks.  It was a fun project.  Her and I loved working on the poster board.  It came out super cool and she was really proud of it!

That night Aubrey had a young women/activity day girls Christmas party.
 Frosty was already up to some crazy stuff around our house...
 The elf's at school were busy too...
 Lunch date with my guy! 
 I helped Mrs. Carter with Carter's 3rd grade Christmas play so I was at the school pretty much 3-4 days a week helping.
Fun rainy puddle jumping walk...
 Working on our Christmas cards...

 Thursday December 6th is the day the Elf fills your shoes if you leave them out so the kids were excited to see what they got

 That night was my annual Ornament party.  It was a good turn out about 15 ladies.  Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures while the event was going on but I did a couple pre ones..

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