Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Carter's Birthday at School

We celebrated Carter's birthday at school on Monday May 5th.  The preschool always does a nice job with celebrating birthdays.  Carter was child of the week all week which meant he had his pictures displayed on the wall and all the kids wrote letters to him all week long.
Mrs. Rodriguez is a great artist and makes beautiful crowns for the birthday kid with what ever they would like painted on the side.  I though for sure Carter would ask for Lightning McQueen or Dusty the crop hopper but instead he decided on a Lego monster truck that him and his dad put together the weekend before.  When Mrs. Robbins asked what he wanted on his crown (before he saw it) he says, "Dusty or happy cars?" Mrs. Rodriguez said, "What?!?!" and was really surprised but when he saw the truck he was excited.  It was cute and he loved it!
 After the singing Carter and I went outside to pass out his gifts to all his friends.
He wanted to pass out bubbles to all his friends and he made the tags.
We then got to take his mail home in the mail bag.
It was a fun day!!

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